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“I can’t function as a normal human being.”


“But I can tell you that if I go two days without taking my medication, I can’t walk in the door of this building. I can’t get up in the morning. I can’t take a shower.”

These are the words of Senator Elizabeth Steiner Hayward, who says she suffers from “major depression.” Hayward also claims that both she and her husband “own weapons.”  Certainly this has the potential to be a volatile combination and it is our hope that Hayward is getting adequate treatment and that the “weapons” she keeps in her home are not accessible to her. (Based on her comments she almost certainly would be denied a concealed handgun license anywhere in the state.) But apparently Hayward believes that her disability should be projected onto gun owners in Oregon.

Dr. Steiner Hayward
Dr. Steiner Hayward

Hayward is the chief sponsor of SB 945, a bill that would send you to prison if a minor were to access a firearm you owned. The bill is scheduled for a public hearing and work session on Thursday, April 16th at 8am in the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Given Hayward’s admission of her own inability to “function as a normal human being” without her medication, it seems odd and hypocritical that she would limit the punishments created in the bill, to guns acquired by minors. Why not punish people who allow access to firearms by people who suffer from depression and “can’t take a shower” without medicine?

It is also disturbing that while attempting to stigmatize gun owners, Hayward ignores all the other things that a child, or mentally unsound adult, could acquire in a home and hurt themselves or others with.

Ironically, Hayward is a physician.  One would think she would be more concerned about deaths by overdoses of drugs, especially the kind of drugs the she herself is authorized to prescribe.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, drug overdoses were the leading cause of injury death in 2013. Among people 25 to 64 years old, drug overdoses caused more deaths than motor vehicle crashes.

Of the 43,982 overdose deaths in 2013, over half of them were related to prescription drugs, a vastly larger number of deaths than caused by minors’ access to firearms.  According to a Washington Post story, (no friend to gun owners) in 2011 there were a total of 591 accidental gun deaths.  A tragically high number to be sure, but dwarfed by the number of deaths caused by doctor prescribed drugs.

Add to this the staggering number of people who die every year as a result of mistakes made by doctors and it becomes clear that Hayward has little interest in reducing deaths, only in attacking gun owners.

A simple change to the bill would require that, in addition to firearms, people should be prosecuted if they do not lock up drugs. Of course, this same logic could be extended to people who don’t safeguard knives, hammers and the keys to their car.  How many juveniles die every year after gaining access to their parent’s vehicles?

Hayward is also a sponsor of SB 941, the “universal background check” bill due to be voted on on Tuesday in the Senate. This is another ironic twist. You see, under that bill, it would be illegal for you to safeguard a firearm for a friend who is experiencing an episode of the very kind of depression Hayward claims makes it impossible for her to “go to work” without medication.

If a friend came to you one night and asked if you would please put his gun in your safe until his mental state improved, you would be forbidden from doing so unless you conducted a background check on yourself. Of course, it better be before 10PM or that would be impossible, and if you were a victim of one of the Oregon State Police’s many delays or denials, you would have to tell your friend that the law prohibited you from helping them.

Hayward’s struggle with depression and her reliance on drugs to function “normally” is serious and tragic, but her focus on attacking the rights of gun owners is misguided, counterproductive and clearly the result of a political agenda far more than a desire to reduce deaths.

Please consider contacting Senator Hayward and suggesting she concentrate on solving the problems of prescription drug overdoses and doctor errors, which cause far more deaths than accidents with firearms.

Contact info and sample message follow:

Click here for pre-written message:

Or use the cut and paste message below.

Email :

Phone: 503-986-1717


Dear Senator Hayward,

It is troubling that, while seeking to punish gun owners when minors access their firearms, you have made no effort to force people to safeguard prescription drugs, tools, knives or their cars, all of which are responsible for far more deaths than firearms acquired by minors.

If you are really interested in saving lives, why not address the countless deaths caused every year by doctors’ mistakes?

Why are you also promoting SB 941, which would make it illegal to safeguard a firearm for a friend who was suffering from a bout of depression?

Your policies are driven by agendas rather than any desire to reduce deaths. I urge you to reconsider these dangerous positions.


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The Busybodies of Corvallis


Undaunted by the Corvallis City Council’s sub committee decision to not enforce a meaningless ban on firearms, the tiny band of anti-rights extremists there soldier on.

Using their usual tactics of spreading lies and propaganda, they have been working, what they thought was, “behind the scenes”.

Sorry girls, not quite.

Let’s peer into their little busybody minds.

Here are some telling quotes: (Note many of these links were on the website of the Corvallis City Council and have been removed.)

 “The OFF website is creepy...”


Leah, I would be careful about how much details you share with Jim Day, the GT reporter.My Ward 7 current counciler Bruce Sorte, was very supportive and shared details on strategy.  One important thing he stressed was to not provide a lot of details about our plans, as Jim Day will published them immediately in the GT and we will get hassled from the OFF/ Oregon Firearms Federation people.  Also the businesses owners may be hassled, too.  During the August to December the OFF members were threatening the people involved here.


I got the feeling that Biff and Hal (Corvallis City Council members) both really liked the idea of getting the stickers on doors of businesses (or what they are calling the “open market” strategy), but they couldn’t recommend that as a course of action for the city council, because we are an ad hoc group of citizens.


So, who are these folks who are desperately trying to create a false narrative of gun owners in general and OFF members in particular? And why are they so determined to keep their plans a secret?


The main players are LoErna Simpson and Leah Bolger.

Bolger has quite the footprint on the world of far left activism. You can see her Twitter feed here.

Here she showboats in Congress demanding that the “rich” be taxed to end war.

She is “committed to ending war through non violent means.”As cool as we think ending war and stuff (through non violent means of course) is, her focus on ending your rights to protect yourself and your family, while she crafts her utopian paradise, is a bit misguided.

Lo Erna Simpson is the person who thinks OFF ‘s “website” is “creepy” although she clearly is confusing our website with our Facebook page, where anyone can post a comment. We can’t wait to see what she thinks of our Twitter feed.Bless her heart, she is determined to wipe out “gun violence” As are we.

But while we choose to empower people to stand up to violence, LoErna  thinks “Adults should discuss with children and youth in their home and their community why gun violence is harmful.”

 Apparently Methodists don’t know why gun violence is harmful.

It’s quite clear that the little band of fear mongers in Corvallis have no intention of giving up, no matter how pointless their efforts. There will always be some sad, neurotics who are convinced that only they know what’s best for everyone.

Let’s be sure to remind them that no matter how old they are, the rest of us are adults and quite capable of making our own decisions.

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What If Our Clubs and Ranges Stood Up?

oathkeeper 2014
What if every club and range in Oregon, that provided its facilities to local police for shooting practice, contacted those departments and explained the dangers of the upcoming anti-gun legislation?

What if all those agencies were told that mandatory “background checks” have created nightmare enforcement issues in Washington?

What if they were informed that the current background check system has essentially zero effect on criminals but regularly denies transfers to qualified buyers?

What if they were reminded that the victims of domestic violence could well be the people most damaged by a law that made it illegal to provide a gun to a person in danger?

What if they were told that, should Prozanksi and Kitzhaber have their way, you would not be allowed to give, or even lend, a firearm to a trusted, old friend?

The coming tidal wave of gun restrictions, if successful, will be horribly destructive of liberty in Oregon. Many things we take for granted as part of our heritage will evaporate.  Medical personnel will be recruited to spy on patients and report whether they own firearms. Soon, permits, and government permission, will be required to simply own a firearm, and, if many in the gun control world achieve what they have said they want, most guns will be illegal period.

As we have seen in Washington State, the people who crafted the most recent gun grab ballot measure see it as only a first step in their war on gun rights. Their counterparts in Oregon have made no secret that they have the same plans here.

What then will our police and sheriffs do? Will they be part of the confiscations? Will they arrest you for handing a gun to a friend at a range? (Something now illegal in Washington?)  Will they take you to jail because you lent a gun to a single woman living alone and facing a violent stalker?  Will they take her to jail?  Will they put you in handcuffs and confiscate your property because someone falsely accused you of being mentally ill?

These are all realities already in other states.

Anti-gun legislators have already stated they intend to do the same here.

Will the very police who use our ranges start searching our homes? That is the question gun clubs and ranges have to start asking themselves.

It is our hope that our friends in law enforcement are going to honor their oaths of office.

For generations, the gun clubs and ranges in Oregon have provided facilities and support to the local police and sheriffs.  Will those clubs now start demanding that our police agencies step up and help us fight these assaults on our rights?  Or will they spend their time planning the next picnic?

The will to fight back is strong in Oregon. At least 4 counties have passed pro-gun ordinances. (Lake, Baker, Union and Wallowa)

Now is the time to let our friends behind the badge know we expect them to stand by us, as we have stood by them.

Lake CountyBaker County


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The Coming Media Snow Job

Today's Reporting
Today’s Reporting


The passage of I 594 in Washington was the result of many things, but not least was the assistance of a complicit media that consistently lied and misled the public about the measure.

While there was widespread opposition to I 594 by law enforcement, the establishment press virtually ignored that fact. The reality that the measure was bankrolled by a few anti-rights billionaires also received less than stellar attention.

Although the media insisted it was all about stopping crime and keeping guns away from the mentally ill they intentionally ignored the ramifications that gun rights advocates warned of.

We saw the same kind of agenda driven “reporting” across Oregon when Ballot Measure 5 was being debated in 2000. This is the measure that ended private transfers of firearms at “gun shows” and vastly expanded the state’s gun registration system. Virtually every major “news” outlet blatantly lied about the measure and, in doing so, helped pass one of the most damaging ballot measures in Oregon history.

2015 promises to be no different. The media hucksterism has already begun even before a bill has been introduced in the legislature or a ballot measure has been filed.

On November 17th, the Oregon Firearms Federation received a call from a “reporter” named Hillary Borrud . An audio of the call is at the bottom of this story. She claimed to interested in the chances of a universal background check/registration bill passing in the 2015 session. She specifically wanted to know if we saw “any problems” with that kind of legislation.

We called Borrud back and pointed out to her that yes,there were clearly problems with extending background checks to guns being transferred between family members and friends.

That the idea that you could not lend a firearm to a person in danger made little sense.

That the notion that you could not safeguard a firearm for a neighbor when they left town or leave a gun with your girlfriend or boyfriend was absurd.

That the fact that firearms instructors would be forbidden from allowing students to shoot any gun they had not brought to class themselves was dangerous and counter-productive.

But mostly we pointed out the reality that Oregon has proven over and over that background checks stop virtually no criminals or mentally ill persons, while preventing countless qualified people from completing legal transfers. In the old days, that would have been called “a story.” But not to Hillary.

Hillary already had an angle. She had an agenda. Facts were not going to get in the way of a quick completion of her already forged conclusion. The epic failure that the background check system is should be something any responsible reporter would be eager to learn more about and report on. But you see, that takes “work.” And in this case, it didn’t even take a lot of work. In fact, all it took was for her to look at the reporting OFF has already done on this issue using the Oregon State Police’s own numbers and charts.

You can see those here and here.

All this info was provided to Borrud. She saw it on our website. All she had to do was read it. She said these were “allegations”. When it was pointed out the charts in the Nov 16 alert were the OSP’s own charts, she was not interested.  She would not contact the OSP to determine if what we were saying was true. She was too busy.

And this is how “reporting” is done these days.  An amazingly lazy employee creates a narrative in her own mind that suits her own bias.  She scribbles a few lines and misquotes a few people.  Important information that is spoon fed to her is ignored. And the people reading her tripe are misinformed.

Expect a lot more of this as the battle over government gun registration and confiscation heats up in 2015.

Here is the pointless story published in the Eastern Oregonian . An identical version appeared in the Blue Mountain Eagle.  If it weren’t for the “comments” section the readers of these papers would have no idea what a waste of a salary employees like Borrud are.

Hillary’s message:

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The Numbers Are In. Another Embarrassment.

embarrased monkey

We now have the Oregon State Police numbers for firearms purchase denials for Oct. 2014. Once again, they demonstrate what a colossal sham the entire process is.

While these numbers are repeatedly used by politicians and anti-gun groups to “prove” that background checks work, they prove exactly the opposite.

Of the 19, 901 background checks run by the Oregon State Police in October, 196 sales were “denied.” Wow, that’s 196 bad guys off the street. Maybe not.

Of the 196 desperadoes denied, a grand total of 5 were “arrested” or “taken into custody.”  Not a single one of the people who were denied because they were identified as felons or “otherwise prohibited” was arrested. Of those arrested we have no idea how many were actually charged with a crime.

8 people were denied for reasons of “mental health” but, as we have seen in the past, sometimes the police have no idea why these people have mental health holds.

Of those 8 the number taken into custody was…none. Now keep in mind, the entire reason Kitzhaber/Bloomberg is trying to force background checks on private transfers is to “keep guns out of the hands of criminal and the mentally ill.”

36 of the denials resulted in “Investigation Complete, No Action.”  So almost 20% of the denials were clearly against people who should not have been denied at all.

The State police claim that 13 % of the denials were for people who were “wanted.” So 26 people were “denied” a firearms transfer at that specific place and time. Of those a total of 4 were held by the cops. We don’t know for how long.

10% of the denials were because the police said the gun they were trying to buy was stolen. In over 68% of those denials, no action was taken. Only one person was taken into custody as a result of a “stolen” gun . Again, we have  no way of knowing if the person was ever charged with anything. So once again, we have  less than 3% of all denials taking anyone off the street even if only briefly.

This is the system Kitzhaber/Bloomberg is determined to extend to every firearm you want to lend or give to a friend or family member.

The system is stacked to deny firearms to people who are law-abiding while doing virtually nothing to criminals and the mentally ill.

Look for the universal gun registration push to be used as a way to “stop” domestic abusers. This too is a shameful scam. Prohibitions on “domestic abusers” are routinely used to harass people who have received no due process while doing nothing to protect the abused.

Of all the background checks we paid the state to run, less than 1% resulted in denials. Of those denials less than 3% resulted in any kind of arrest. That’s 0.025% And remember that means that more than 6 times every day one or more State Troopers were taken off the road, taken away from traffic accidents and crime fighting to waste their time investigating denials that served no purpose in almost every case.

The charade continues.

Total Number of Background Checks and Denials for Oct 2014
Total Number of Background Checks and Denials for Oct 2014
FICS Investigations Oct 2014
FICS Investigations Oct 2014
"Actions" Taken on Denials for Oct 2014
“Actions” Taken on Denials for Oct 2014
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Progressive Logic

Portland’s alternative newspaper, Willammette Week, has done an excellent job of reporting the Mafia-like ethics and documentable corruption of John Kitzhaber.

Time after time they have been the leading edge of the investigative journalism that has exposed just how deeply Oregon has fallen into a pit of Chicago style back room deals, insider scams, and outright theft.

In a recent article about the elections they said:

“Four years ago, we could not have predicted that the adjectives to describe Kitzhaber in 2014 would also include bumbling, slippery, dishonest. But they do.”

They went on :

“Kitzhaber served as Oregon governor from 1995 to 2003, two disappointing terms defined by the gap between his big ideas and his failure to see them through. When he sought to reclaim the governorship four years ago, WW raised concerns about a Kitzhaber 2.0. ‘He was more interested in being right than successful,’ we wrote of his track record as governor in our 2010 endorsement, “and that despite all his smarts, he lacks the people skills to translate his ideas into action.”


“He put the school reforms so dear to him in the hands of education czar Rudy Crew, who touched down in Oregon only long enough to collect speaking fees and abuse his expense account before splitting town. Kitzhaber then shirked responsibility by blaming Crew’s hiring on a committee.

Meanwhile, Kitzhaber has put the governor’s office up for sale. He named as his top adviser on the Columbia River Crossing the chief consultant for the project’s biggest contractor. Patricia McCaig walked off with $553,000 for a project that never got built. Kitzhaber then concealed that she was working for his re-election campaign and running damage control for Cover Oregon.

Kitzhaber brushed aside ethics concerns as first lady Cylvia Hayes shook down advocacy groups for consulting contracts, directed state workers to handle her private business, and traded on her unofficial title and proximity to the governor for her own benefit.”

Here’s what they said about his opponent, Dennis Richardson:

“Richardson is a congenial Republican from Central Point, a retired lawyer and Vietnam War helicopter pilot with ample legislative skills and a keen eye for state budgets. In five terms in the Oregon House, he’s shown himself to be smart, hard-working…”

There was more, but we’ll get to that in a minute.

WW closed the article with this:

“What has been stolen from us in this campaign is not just trust but a moment of grace. The election of an Oregon governor should be an opportunity to lift our spirits, not break our hearts.”

These heartfelt words of despair and disappointment were all in a piece that was ENDORSING John Kitzhaber!

That’s right. The man they described as “dishonest” and “putting his office up for sale” is who they endorsed over a legislator they called “smart” and “hard working.”

So what followed their comments about Richardson being “smart” and “hard working” with a “keen eye for state budgets?” The mortal sins to the liberal ideologues.

Richardson opposed abortion and same sex marriage. Two issues that are as likely to come up in a legislature controlled by pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage Democrats as issuing concealed handgun licenses to visitors from Neptune. And two issues Richardson hasn’t even defended in his race.

He says of both of them that they are not issues because “the people have spoken” when in fact in Oregon, when the people spoke, they said “no” to same sex marriage. It was “decided” by the courts when our own liberal Democrat Attorney General refused to defend the law the voters had approved. But even that wasn’t enough for WW to back off of their endorsement for someone they themselves call a crook.

Under Kitzhaber and the Democrats Oregon consistently ranks in the cellar in employment, education, and economic growth. Entire counties are destitute because they are forbidden from making use of the natural resources that once paid wages and kept schools open and cops on the road. We are failing, badly.


Well it will certainly provide plenty of material for future stories. And Oregon will continue to slide into third world status.

OFF Logo vector

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They Teach, But They Can’t Read

It’s always troubling when bureaucracies either cannot understand the law, or simply choose to break it.

A case in point is the Eugene “4J” School District, headed by Dr. Sheldon Berman. (541-790-7707 )

Sheldon Berman
Sheldon Berman


No matter how you feel about it, Oregon law clearly allows persons with Oregon concealed handgun licenses to be on public school property.

Now, there is no question that the government school monopoly is not happy about this, and in spite of zero examples of any CHL holder ever hurting or threatening anyone, they return year after year to the legislature to demand that CHL holders be banned from their property.

This is ironic, of course, given the number of times armed civilians have stopped school shootings. But for the public school establishment, politics trumps kid’s safety.

The Eugene 4J school district has a policy that forbids anyone, even persons with concealed handgun licenses from being on their property with a firearm.  You can see it here.

They even post it on big signs on their school doors.

Sign on Eugene school door.
Sign on Eugene school door.

Look folks, this isn’t news. Those policies are void. Period. This was settled when we sued the Oregon University System in 2011. The courts found that schools simply do not have the authority to make rules of this kind. In the Oregon Appeals Court ruling they said of the Oregon University System’s similar policy:

Therefore, we conclude that OAR 580-022-0045 is an exercise of an “authority to regulate” firearms that is not expressly authorized by the Legislative Assembly, and that it is preempted by ORS 166.170(1).Accordingly, the rule exceeds the agency’s authority, ORS 183.400(4)(b), and is invalid.  OAR 580-022-0045(3) held invalid.”

Really Dr. Berman, it was in all the papers.

Gun owners face an endless array of rules, regulations, orders, laws and statutes and we are expected to understand and obey every one of them. So why do bureaucrats like Berman believe they are above the law? Notice, the policy was readopted  in May of this year! Are we to believe that no one in the Eugene school district was aware of the court’s ruling?  If so, we’d hate to see the social studies classes there.

But it does not end there of course. The Oregon Department of Education “Early Learning Division” has an administrative rule dealing with day care centers. OAR 414-300-0170 says, among other things, “The possession and/or storage of firearms and ammunition are prohibited in the center.”

We wondered how this could be legal so we started contacting them last year about this. Here is a response our lawyer got after months of run arounds, from Kathleen Hynes “Legal and Compliance Manager Office of Child Care The Early Learning Division”

Thank you for your inquiry. Counsel for the agency has researched the question Mr. Starrett posed regarding regulation of firearms in child care facilities.   The agency has also considered the issue under its policies and procedures, and has concluded that the administrative rules in question don’t violate the statute that Mr. Starrett referenced, or any other laws or case law concerning firearm regulation.”

Oh really? Not so fast Kathleen.  This month, Legislative Counsel weighed in on this.  Those are the folks who actually write the laws for the legislature.  Here’s what they said:

“The short answer is that we believe that ORS 166.170 preempts OAR 414-300- 0170(1)(k) and that, if it were challenged, the rule would very likely be declared invalid.”


“It is, on its face, an administrative rule that regulates the possession and storage of firearms and ammunition and it therefore falls within the scope of preemption under ORS 166.170. Because there is not a state statute expressly authorizing the Department of Education, the Early Learning Division or any child care facility to regulate the possession or storage of firearms or ammunition within a child care facility, we believe a court would declare this rule invalid under ORS 166.170”.

So let’s be clear. If you are in possession of an Oregon CHL and you are not doing something illegal, you are allowed on public school property with a firearm. We will actively litigate against any school district that attempts to implement this policy in violation of Oregon law and we will contribute to the legal defense of any person ensnared by policies of this kind. If you run a day center you cannot be prohibited from have the tools you need to defend those children when the monsters come calling.

And don’t think this is isolated. See here and here.

OFF  logo

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Decision 2014

Anti-gun voters.
Anti-gun voters.

The 2014 election is upon us. Ballots are in the mail.

Your vote is essential. Rest assured the anti-gunners are well funded and working overtime to get out the vote and promote freedom haters. The loss of one Oregon Senate seat could spell the difference between keeping or losing your gun rights. Make no mistake, in many, many districts the race will be decided by a tiny number of votes.

Our candidate ratings for Oregon House, Senate and Governor are posted  here. There you will find an explanation of how we rate candidates whenever a rating is possible. To see our take on Federal races, you can go directly here.  The direct link for local races is here.

The Governor’s race has come down to a contest between two candidates who could not be more different. Dennis Richardson believes that the best way to respond to calls for more gun control is to encourage more firearms education. By that he means actually teaching young people how to safely use firearms and to respect them.

Governor Kitzhaber would prefer to see more restrictions on gun owners.  Remember, he personally accompanied anti-gun zealot Mark Kelly to a hearing in Salem to stump for an expansion of Oregon’s horribly failed background check/registration system.

While Kitzhaber supports more restrictions on law abiding Oregonians he also actively supports expanding rights for law breakers. Ballot Measure 88 would give driver’s licenses to people who are here in violation of the law.

Kitzhaber and other supporters make the absurd claim that giving driver’s licenses to illegal aliens will somehow guarantee that these same lawbreakers will run out and get auto insurance. In his debate with Richardson on Oct 13th he defended his position describing illegals as “taxpayers,” an idea quickly dispelled by Richardson who pointed out they were not “taxpayers” unless they were using someone else’s Social Security number.

Gun owners should be very concerned about Measure 88.  If illegals are given driver’s licenses the next step will be voting privileges, which are already absurdly easy to get in Oregon. The supporters of 88 claimed that the driver’s “cards” could never be used for anything but driving. That’s already been proven false. Rest assured, the vast majority of illegals will not be voting for candidates who support gun rights.

The revelations of the criminal past of the Governor’s girlfriend are also troubling, not because of her fraudulent marriage or her illegal growing operation  but because of the obvious ethical problems created by her misuse of her relationship with the Governor for her personal gain.

After three terms of Kitzhaber Oregon ranks near the bottom of everything. Our unemployment rates, graduation rates and economic health are getting close to third world status.  Kitzhaber’s only response to this seems to be that he supports same sex marriage and abortion. And while that might be enough for some people, even the most committed leftists should demand a chief executive who is marginally competent and is not flushing millions of our dollars down the toilet with pathetic schemes like “Cover Oregon.”

Add to this Kitzhaber’s outrageous misuse of the Oregon State Police to push his anti-gun agenda and the decision on who to vote for becomes fairly easy.

Voters could be forgiven if they are scratching their heads over Ballot Measure 90. This measure would limit elections to only two candidates, the “top two” from whatever field started in what we now call a “primary.”

The voters pamphlet is filled with arguments for and against this measure. The proponents are claiming that this measure would open up the process to more voters and better candidates. Both rural Democrats and urban Republicans have published statements implying that this system would give them a voice they don’t have now.since they would be able to vote irrespective of the party they are in.

It is true that in Oregon an awful lot of voters are locked out of the process because they are independents and don’t have a vote in the primary elections, but it’s hard to imagine how this would be an improvement. In Portland, which is totally controlled by anti-gun Democrats, two anti-gun Democrats will be the “top two” in the final election. That gives a pro-gun independent or Republican (or third party member) the choice of voting for an anti-gun Democrat, or…an anti-gun Democrat. And while one could make the case that only an anti-gun Democrat can win in Portland anyway, you should not be forced to choose between casting your ballot for someone you disagree with or nobody.

Whether your candidate wins or loses, you should still have a right to make a statement with your vote and your conscience. A similar argument could be made if you are an anti-gun Democrat in eastern Oregon.

Almost certainly third party candidates will disappear.  Currently, minor party candidates have almost no chance of winning, but they are still allowed to run, they are still allowed to make their positions known to the best of their ability despite being shut out by the mainstream media.

If neither of the “top two” candidates reflects your principles, shouldn’t you at least have the right to make a statement with your vote regardless of your candidate’s chances of winning? Toss into this mix this interesting factoid; Michael Bloomberg, who is spending millions to impose universal gun registration of the type used in New York for mass confiscations has put well over a million bucks into promoting this measure.  Bloomberg does not exactly have a reputation of wanting to expand the voice of the people.

Oregon’s independent voters clearly need more access to the process. Some kind of “open primary” may be the way to achieve that.  But Measure 90 seems to be nothing more than a way to limit choices. All too often we feel like we are stuck with the “lesser of two evils.”   Measure 90 almost guarantees it.

You can find your current legislators and district here. Use the box in the lower right corner that says “Find My Legislators.”

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California Billionaire Tries To Buy Oregon Senate

moneypile 9.25.14

The anti-gun left, always eager to assail the funding of Republican candidates by affluent out-of-staters, has been very quiet about California billionaire Tom Steyer’s attempt to buy the Oregon Senate.

A May 22, 2014 New York Times article stated that Steyer’s goal is to spend $100 MILLION dollars to “defeat those who question or deny the established science of climate change.”

Leave it to the tolerant left to want to punish anyone who even “questions” their orthodoxy in spite of the fact that “climate change” is far from the “established science” the New York Times says it is.

It’s this sort of “established science” that has “scientists”  calling for a ban on lead ammo while admitting that such bans have produced no results.  “A partial ban went into effect in July 2008 and was later expanded. So far, however, researchers have found no evidence that the ban has resulted in a reduction in blood lead levels in condors.”

One such “scientist” (Myra  Finkelstein), who testified at a recent hearing in Oregon in favor of banning lead ammunition, may have set a new record for highly dubious “facts” when she said: “We found that over the course of 10 years, if just one half of one percent of carcasses have lead in them, the probability that each free-flying condor will be exposed is 85 to 98 percent, and one exposure event could kill a condor.”

Even the United Nations is getting into the lead banning act:With respect to lead ammunition, the most effective way of reducing risks to migratory birds is to create legislative processes to restrict sale, possession and/or use of lead ammunition to ensure lead ammunition is not left un-retrieved within the environment.

Now the folks who are using agenda-driven politics masquerading as “science” are planning to drop a boat load of money in Oregon to defeat Republican Senators and replace them with anti-gun extremists.

The Oregonian is reporting that Steyer’s group, NextGen Climate, announced Wednesday that it will work with Oregon environmentalists to try to unseat Republican state Sens. Bruce Starr of Hillsboro and Betsy Close of Albany…NextGen announced it would partner with the Oregon League of Conservation Voters on a series of get-out-the-vote activities and TV ads to support Starr’s challenger, former Democratic Rep. Chuck Riley, and Close’s Democratic opponent, Rep. Sara Gelser of Corvallis.”

As you know, the current makeup of the Oregon Senate is 16 Democrats and 14 Republicans. Exactly one Democrat, Betsy Johnson, is pro-gun. That means that with the loss of a single Republican Senator, Oregon could become the next Connecticut.  Except for Johnson, every other Democrat Senator is committed to attacking gun rights.

Betsy Close has been one of the strongest voices in defense of the Second Amendment our legislature has ever had. Betsy recently held a fundraiser where women were taught firearms skills. In contrast, her opponent, Sara Gelser, has attempted to punish foster parents who own firearms.

Bruce Starr has been a consistent pro-gun vote while his challenger, Chuck Riley, has aligned himself with far-left, anti-gun activists.

The anti-gunners are incredibly wealthy and willing to tell any lie to promote their liberty smashing agenda. It is essential that we, as Second Amendment supporters, retain these seats.

If you live in either Close or Starr’s district, please be sure to cast your vote for them. Put up a lawn sign and talk to your family and neighbors. And remember, you can help support and elect good candidates by making a donation to OFFPAC, where every dime goes for gun rights and contributions qualify for a tax credit. These races will be won by a small number of votes.  Please do all you can to make sure anti-gun extremists do not prevail.

This message was brought to you by OFFPAC.

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Our “Friends” at the National Shooting Sports Foundation



It seems the National Shooting Sports Foundation is more interested in crawling into bed with the state’s gun grabbing apparatus than advancing shooting sports.

Not only do they employ a lobbyist in Oregon who regularly works to oppose gun rights, but now they are “partnering” with the Connecticut State Police to help enforce mandatory lock up of firearms inside your home!

Connecticut’s draconian anti-gun laws are shoved down the throats of CT residents by the State Police, so why is NSSF so eager to help them?

“We’ll also be reminding Connecticut gun owners about laws requiring locked storage of firearms in their homes.” 
said Lt. Paul Vance, Connecticut State Police public information officer in an NSSF press release.

“We are pleased to work cooperatively with Connecticut State Police at the Eastern States Exposition to promote the proper storage of firearms to deter unauthorized access,” said NSSF President and CEO Steve Sanetti. “Our efforts encourage a commitment to safety and personal responsibility that is helping to reduce firearms accidents nationally.”

Here’s what NSSF says about itself: “Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports.”

Yet NSSF seems far more interested in promoting the goals of the agencies that work overtime to attack gun owners. In this release they write proudly of their work with Cabelas to grease the skids for the ATF.

Here they state the reasons why the “firearms industry” opposes “universal background checks.” Among the reasons are:

” The current background check system is broken. The background checks that are currently done are not as accurate and complete as they should be. ”   

“REGISTRATION – According to the National Institute of Justice, “universal background checks” are only  effective if there is national registration of all guns and all private party transfers.”

Yet they seem to be all too eager to be the handmaiden for the very agencies that are abusing gun owners with a failed background check system now.

As a side note, it was fascinating to see the response people posted on Facebook when we noted NSSF’s association with the CT State Police.

Here’s a sample:

 Seriously? You’re bitching about the NSSF handing out free gun locks and promoting safe securing of firearms? God save us from these heathens.”

“Wow OFF making themselves look like idiots hating on this. Hire a PR person fast…. There is no issue giving out free locks and reminding ppl to take proper precautions at ones home.”

Free gun locks… Give away free gun locks and you’re suddenly “in bed with the gun grabbers”.. That’s the most retarded thing I’ve heard all day. Whoever is in charge of facebook posts for OFF is doing more harm than good.”



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If you don’t want to get hurt, don’t challenge me.

police beat

“…here is the bottom line: if you don’t want to get shot, tased, pepper-sprayed, struck with a baton or thrown to the ground, just do what I tell you. Don’t argue with me, don’t call me names, don’t tell me that I can’t stop you, don’t say I’m a racist pig, don’t threaten that you’ll sue me and take away my badge. Don’t scream at me that you pay my salary, and don’t even think of aggressively walking towards me.”

In the wake of the events in Ferguson this does not seem like the kind of sentiment any police officer would want to broadcast.

But it gets worse.  How about this:
“But if you believe (or know) that the cop stopping you is violating your rights or is acting like a bully, I guarantee that the situation will not become easier if you show your anger and resentment.”

Or this:
“Do what the officer tells you to and it will end safely for both of you.”

We all know there is zero guarantee of that. You could well do everything you are told and still end up assaulted, raped or dead. The fact is, bad people become cops just like they become doctors, plumbers, teachers and gun rights activists.  That’s life and human nature. And while a lot of good people put on a badge and a cop uniform every day there will always be those who abuse their positions.  That’s why the referenced quotes are so disturbing.

They reflect a level of arrogance and disrespect for the people the police  are sworn to serve. To be told not to “show your anger and resentment” implies that you  are a subject of a civil servant who must be obedient and subservient when being questioned by your “betters.”

The author of this unfortunate piece has played right into the hands of those who believe some police are out of control.

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Kitzhaber’s Jihad Continues


On June 27th we told you about John Kitzhaber’s war on gun owners.

In the last legislative session, Kitzhaber and his cronies in the legislature attempted to pass a bill that would have required that you ask the permission of the State Police before giving a gun to your oldest and best friend.  You might very well not be allowed to lend a handgun to your girlfriend without the consent of the state, while you were out of town on business.

In a letter from Legislative Counsel to Senate Republican Leader Ted Ferrioli dated Feb 5, 2014, they stated:

“Therefore, for example, when a man gives his firearm to his girlfriend to use for protection without any compensation in return or any sort of expectation of a return date, a court would most likely see the transfer as a gift that would require a criminal background check under an amended ORS 166.436.”

It was just plain dangerous and served no purpose other than to expand the vast database of gun owners and place more roadblocks in the way of law abiding gun owners.

The Oregon State Police ID unit has an abysmal history of conducting the checks it is currently tasked with and frequently delays or denies purchases that should be approved. Resolving one of their mistakes can become a second career for a person who has been unjustifiably prevented from purchasing a firearm.  For some, this can be life threatening.

During the hearings for the bill, SB 1551, we pointed out that it made little sense to expand background checks to all transfers when no action was being taken against persons whose criminal background prohibited them from buying guns when they attempted to do so. Oddly, at that hearing, the State Police testified that they had no statutory authority to take any action when a felon, or someone who was otherwise legally prohibited from buying a gun tried to do so.

This prompted a letter from Ferrioli to Legislative Counsel inquiring whether this was, in fact, true.  LC responded on May 5, 2014 with a letter that stated:

“Despite these statutory limits on the departments sharing of records and information, there is no Oregon statute limiting or prohibiting the department from notifying a local law enforcement agency when, during a firearm criminal background check, the department finds that the prospective recipient of the firearm has been convicted of a felony, has a criminal warrant for the person’s arrest or has been committed to the Oregon Health Authority or is subject to a firearm prohibition order under ORS 426.130, or that the firearm has been stolen. There are also no constitutional provisions that would prohibit this kind of notification. Under ORS 181.548 and 166.412, the information cannot be released to the public. However, there is nothing preventing the department from sharing the information with a law enforcement agency for the purpose of enforcing criminal laws or apprehending an offender.”

In short, OSP was wrong. They had every authority to inform local police that a criminal act was taking place and enforcement could commence.

On June 18th, the Oregon State Police sent a letter to gun dealers advising them of a new “policy.”  From now on, every time a firearms purchase was denied, a State Trooper would be taken off the road to conduct an “investigation.”

The problem is, vast numbers of “denials” are issued in error or for reasons that have nothing to do with criminal behavior. So, scarce State Police resources are being squandered as a result of mistakes and lousy record keeping on the part of the State Police ID Unit.

But things are worse than we first reported.   The number of “investigations” has grown of course, but while we keep hearing of people being questioned for denials no one can explain, we cannot document a single case where anyone has been arrested been taken into custody.

We do know of an ever growing number of cases where Troopers are dispatched to “investigate” with absolutely no idea why they are conducting the investigations. This, in spite of the fact that the OSP’s own “training bulletin” states :

“The incident will be dispatched as a call for service,including suspect name,dealer location, and reason for denial.” Emphasis added

In every case of which we have been informed, the Trooper had no idea why he had been dispatched.

In the two cases we know of where the media has reported on this issue, both reports attempted to place responsibility for this new policy, not on Kitzhaber who ordered it, but on Ted Ferrioli for simply pointing out that the OSP did have the authority to act on attempted illegal purchases and requesting that something be done when truly prohibited persons were trying to buy guns.

In a report by OPB, Chris Lehman said: “The new policy is apparently in response to a request from Republican state senator Ted Ferrioli.”

In an article by Jake Thomas in the Portland Mercury, he said:Governor John Kitzhaber, prompted by one of the Oregon Legislature’s most powerful Republicans, has quietly introduced a new policy aimed at changing that, the Mercury has learned. ” Emphasis added.

It’s simply not credible that the Governor has sent a order to the only police he directly controls at the request of a Republican Senator, but in any event, what Ferrioli requested was action when prohibited persons tried to buy guns, not every time the OSP ID unit mistakenly flagged a person.  And certainly Ferrioli did not ask that Troopers be pressured to take action when they had no probable cause.

In one case we know of, a person attempted to purchase a rifle. After being denied, he spoke to the responding Trooper who agreed he had no information that would suggest the buyer had done anything illegal. The buyer then left, only to get a call from the Trooper who apologized but informed the “suspect” that he “had to” cite him.

The Trooper met the “suspect” at an agreed upon location where the “suspect” was given a ticket for “attempted unlawful purchase” with a mandatory appearance date. Neither the “suspect” nor the Trooper had any idea what the  reason for the denial was.   This is all the more concerning since the “training bulletin” given to the Troopers says:

“The statutes above require you to prove the suspect“knowingly”was aware they are not qualified for these transactions. The suspect’s culpable mental state will need to be determined.”

When the “suspect” contacted the courts to inquire about his mandatory appearance. he was told everything had been dropped!

In an equally troubling case, a person who attempted a purchase last March received a “delay.”  The following April he was stopped and charged with a DUI. In May, he was placed in a “diversion” program.  Neither the charge of DUI nor the diversion would have prevented him from buying a gun.  In June, he failed to meet some requirement of the diversion so a warrant was issued. In July a Trooper was sent to investigate him based on the attempted purchase the previous March, before he had ever been charged with anything!

In every case we know of the Troopers seem to be trying to do the right thing. So far, we know of no cases where a real bad guy has been stopped or arrested. If there are any, the Governor and OSP are certainly keeping it to themselves. Even our friends in the “approved” media don’t seem to be getting any information.

But the OSP Troopers are caught between the proverbial rock and hard place.  They are being told to “investigate” but they don’t know why. They are being pressured to cite “offenders” and have no probable cause. In one case we were informed of, a responding Trooper determined he had no probable cause to take any action against a denied buyer. He took his concerns up the chain of command to his Captain who supported his decision. Now that Captain has been demoted. Numerous Troopers have implied that they have no doubt that his decision not to take action against the buyer was the reason for his demotion.

It’s clear that this policy and the actions Troopers are being forced to take are purely political. Dangerous offenders are not being taken off the street but qualified buyers are having their rights violated by the Governor and higher-ups at the State Police who do the Governor’s bidding. Scare resources are being squandered so the anti-gun zealots in Salem can say they are “taking action.”  Troopers are being put at risk of making unjustified arrests. Careers are being ruined and morale is suffering for political gain.

If you were not concerned about the millions of your dollars Kitzhaber threw away on Cover Oregon, you may want to consider how easily you could be the next victim of his holy war.

OFF Logo vector

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Corrections Officers Get Fifed.


barney fife

In the 2014 legislative session, Oregon Firearms worked with representatives of the Oregon corrections officers to craft a bill that would allow them to transport their personal firearms to and from work.

The Department of Corrections forbade the men and women who worked in prisons from having any protection while commuting to their jobs. This led to some unfortunate outcomes, like, well.. death and stuff.

An early version of a bill to fix this was so poorly drafted that House Rep Jeff Barker, the chair of the Judiciary Committee and one of the sponsors of the bill, asked us to help repair it. The final version of HB 4035 left a lot to be desired as far as we were concerned. The biggest problem was that it only applied to contracts “entered into or renewed” after the bill went into effect which was 91 days after the 2014 legislature adjourned. At the time of the passing of the bill, some CO’s were already under contract and some had no contract and so none of those people were covered by the bill.  We would have preferred that the bill apply to all CO’s immediately. But the unions reps were ok with it, so that’s what was passed.

From the outset, the bosses at the Department of Corrections made it clear that they opposed the bill. They would rather lose officers than deal with their perceived “liability” of allowing trained law enforcement to be armed while on long commutes in rural, sparsely populated areas. And it seems they may have gotten the last laugh, at least for now.

As you can see, the bill allowed corrections officers to “possess firearms in the officers’ personal vehicles”.  But dopes that we were, we never included in the bill that they be allowed to have ammo.

In a rule certified by Rules Coordinator Birdie Worley and approved by Administrator Elizabeth Craig, corrections officers are now allowed to possess firearms under the very limited circumstances defined in the rule, but may only possess “that amount of ammunition that the personal firearm is designed to hold.” Spare ammo or magazines are not allowed. (See page three of the rule.)

We’re pretty sure this is NOT what the bill sponsors had in mind.  But this is what happens when you make the laws and let others make the rules.

Still, there’s a work around for everything isn’t there?

hi-cap pistol


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Corvallis City “Civil” Servant



As you may know, the City of Corvallis is considering a ban on loaded carry although they have been successfully sued in the past for harassing a person openly carrying a loaded handgun. The person who won that lawsuit donated the money to the Oregon Firearms Federation, so maybe we should be happy that Corvallis has not learned its lesson. But, it’s still amazing to see how arrogant, nasty and flat out stupid elected officials from that city can be.

When a resident wrote to the Mayor and members of the council urging them not to proceed with restrictions on open, loaded carry, he got this response from Joel Hirsch City Council Ward 6:

People should not have to feel fear or experience intimidation because fanatical gun advocates insist on making sure everyone sees the gun they are carrying. 
 I also believe that the 2nd Amendment has been misinterpreted and that as we elect fewer conservatives and appoint more rational judges, gun laws will be changed to protect us from guns, and to more accurately reflect the majority. 

 Enjoy them while you can. I have no sympathy, empathy, or respect for the pro open-carry position and will do everything in my power to limit citizen’s exposure to guns and gun advocates. Sorry. 


Joel Hirsch

City Council – Ward 6

HIrsch’s email is:

if you want to share your thoughts with him.

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Rolling Stoned


It would be almost impossible to imagine something more inane than this bit of  4th grade drivel. But I bet the clowns at RS will.

“Popular among handgun-owners, pistols are defined by their built-in barrel and short stock.”
(Pistols are now popular with handgun owners!)

“Revolvers, named for their rotating chambered cylinder, placed second in the ATF’s ranking of guns found at crime scenes more than 46,000 recovered in 2012, the most recent year for which statistics were kept. “

“Rifles were created to improve the accuracy of smoothbore muskets, for which the musket ball was often an (sic) bad fit due to manufacturing complications.”

“Like rifles, shotguns are fired from the shoulder and may release a single projectile. Unlike rifles, however, one pull of a shotgun’s trigger may also spray the target with round pellets, or shot. Additionally, the explosive that creates the energy to fire the gun occurs in the fixed shell of a shotgun rather than the metallic cartridge of a rifle.”  


Ginny Burdick
Ginny Burdick approved this message.