The anti-gun left, always eager to assail the funding of Republican candidates by affluent out-of-staters, has been very quiet about California billionaire Tom Steyer’s attempt to buy the Oregon Senate.
A May 22, 2014 New York Times article stated that Steyer’s goal is to spend $100 MILLION dollars to “defeat those who question or deny the established science of climate change.”
Leave it to the tolerant left to want to punish anyone who even “questions” their orthodoxy in spite of the fact that “climate change” is far from the “established science” the New York Times says it is.
It’s this sort of “established science” that has “scientists” calling for a ban on lead ammo while admitting that such bans have produced no results. “A partial ban went into effect in July 2008 and was later expanded. So far, however, researchers have found no evidence that the ban has resulted in a reduction in blood lead levels in condors.”
One such “scientist” (Myra Finkelstein), who testified at a recent hearing in Oregon in favor of banning lead ammunition, may have set a new record for highly dubious “facts” when she said: “We found that over the course of 10 years, if just one half of one percent of carcasses have lead in them, the probability that each free-flying condor will be exposed is 85 to 98 percent, and one exposure event could kill a condor.”
Even the United Nations is getting into the lead banning act:“With respect to lead ammunition, the most effective way of reducing risks to migratory birds is to create legislative processes to restrict sale, possession and/or use of lead ammunition to ensure lead ammunition is not left un-retrieved within the environment.
Now the folks who are using agenda-driven politics masquerading as “science” are planning to drop a boat load of money in Oregon to defeat Republican Senators and replace them with anti-gun extremists.
The Oregonian is reporting that Steyer’s group, NextGen Climate, “announced Wednesday that it will work with Oregon environmentalists to try to unseat Republican state Sens. Bruce Starr of Hillsboro and Betsy Close of Albany…NextGen announced it would partner with the Oregon League of Conservation Voters on a series of get-out-the-vote activities and TV ads to support Starr’s challenger, former Democratic Rep. Chuck Riley, and Close’s Democratic opponent, Rep. Sara Gelser of Corvallis.”
As you know, the current makeup of the Oregon Senate is 16 Democrats and 14 Republicans. Exactly one Democrat, Betsy Johnson, is pro-gun. That means that with the loss of a single Republican Senator, Oregon could become the next Connecticut. Except for Johnson, every other Democrat Senator is committed to attacking gun rights.
Betsy Close has been one of the strongest voices in defense of the Second Amendment our legislature has ever had. Betsy recently held a fundraiser where women were taught firearms skills. In contrast, her opponent, Sara Gelser, has attempted to punish foster parents who own firearms.
Bruce Starr has been a consistent pro-gun vote while his challenger, Chuck Riley, has aligned himself with far-left, anti-gun activists.
The anti-gunners are incredibly wealthy and willing to tell any lie to promote their liberty smashing agenda. It is essential that we, as Second Amendment supporters, retain these seats.
If you live in either Close or Starr’s district, please be sure to cast your vote for them. Put up a lawn sign and talk to your family and neighbors. And remember, you can help support and elect good candidates by making a donation to OFFPAC, where every dime goes for gun rights and contributions qualify for a tax credit. These races will be won by a small number of votes. Please do all you can to make sure anti-gun extremists do not prevail.
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