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Corvallis City “Civil” Servant



As you may know, the City of Corvallis is considering a ban on loaded carry although they have been successfully sued in the past for harassing a person openly carrying a loaded handgun. The person who won that lawsuit donated the money to the Oregon Firearms Federation, so maybe we should be happy that Corvallis has not learned its lesson. But, it’s still amazing to see how arrogant, nasty and flat out stupid elected officials from that city can be.

When a resident wrote to the Mayor and members of the council urging them not to proceed with restrictions on open, loaded carry, he got this response from Joel Hirsch City Council Ward 6:

People should not have to feel fear or experience intimidation because fanatical gun advocates insist on making sure everyone sees the gun they are carrying. 
 I also believe that the 2nd Amendment has been misinterpreted and that as we elect fewer conservatives and appoint more rational judges, gun laws will be changed to protect us from guns, and to more accurately reflect the majority. 

 Enjoy them while you can. I have no sympathy, empathy, or respect for the pro open-carry position and will do everything in my power to limit citizen’s exposure to guns and gun advocates. Sorry. 


Joel Hirsch

City Council – Ward 6

HIrsch’s email is:

if you want to share your thoughts with him.