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Today, most Republican Senators again refused to participate in the repellant sideshow that Oregon’s Democrats have made of the legislature.

After a few “courtesies” including Senator Manning’s “courtesy” to another social justice warrior, (we think that was what he was doing) a grim looking Senate President Rob Wagner again dismissed the Senate for lack of a quorum. Manning’s “courtesy” can be enjoyed here.

(Manning’s legislative staffer is Miles Pendleton. While that sounds like a white preppie from Connecticut, young Miles is actually the president of the Eugene NAACP.  He was trotted out by the crackpots behind Ballot Measure 114 to shill for them when OFF was invited to debate the issue on KPTV. None of the people actually behind the measure would appear. Pendleton, as you might imagine, demonstrated a comical lack of knowledge about the measure and predictably accused OFF of being racist.)

For Republicans in the Oregon House however, it was business as usual and they continue to show up to pass Democrat bills.  And once again, Republican Kim Wallan asked that the rules be suspended so the bills they were passing for the Democrats could be voted on without reading them.

While most Senate Republicans have made enormous sacrifices to defend your rights the House Republicans seem determined to move the Democrat agenda forward as quickly as possible.

As you know, two Republicans recently voted to attack self defense and your Second Amendment rights by voting to pass HB 2572.

For their absurd and embarrassing explanations see this link.