Tuesday’s election has turned over both houses of Oregon’s legislature, and the Governorship, to the Democrats.
The US House has been taken over by Democrats as well. Next in line for the job of Speaker of the House is Nancy Pelosi, an ultra liberal from California.
Control of the US Senate is still to be resolved. is now in the hands of the Democrats.
Oregon gun owners’ obviously are concerned about what this means to them.
Democrats have moderated their position on gun control somewhat. In the tightly contested Senate race between George Allen and Jim Webb in Virginia, the Democrat Webb proudly posted his NRA survey on his website and openly courted gun owners. Other Democrats have pointedly avoided the issue, but there can be no mistake that the most powerful and vocal Democratic leaders in the US Congress are rabidly anti-gun.
So it would not be unreasonable to expect a new semi-auto ban to be introduced. As you know, George Bush has repeatedly promised to sign such a bill should it reach his desk. It’s likely that any new ban would not have a grandfather clause to allow you to keep guns you already own.
Even if it is only as bad as the original, many magazines will be banned. Keep in mind that possibility NOW before any new action can be taken by a Democratically control US Congress.
Although not specifically gun related, an amnesty program for illegal aliens is now virtually assured. When that happens, millions of illegals will be closer to voting rights, and it’s a safe bet to which party they will be loyal.
Locally we can expect, at very least, most of the anti-gun bills introduced by Ginny Burdick to be brought back. For a look at what she attempted last session, see here.
(These include a 10 year prison sentence and a quarter million dollar fine for owning a semi-automatic rifle.)
Last session, with Republicans in control of the Oregon House, we were reasonably certain that anti-gun bills would not get hearings there. That seems far less likely now, although it will depend greatly on who winds up as Chair of the House Judiciary Committee.
While at least one of the Democrats who sat on that committee in the past was reliably pro-gun, the new leadership in the House will have tremendous leverage to pressure him to hear anti-gun bills should he become the new chairman. (Which is highly unlikely.)
It would be premature to jump to any conclusions about what will happen starting in January. Remember, Oregon’s concealed handgun law, as flawed as it was, passed in 1989, when the Democrats controlled both Houses and the Governor’s office. In 1999, when the Republicans controlled the House and Senate, we saw Republicans promote, and very nearly pass, Kevin Mannix’s anti-gun show bill, failing by only one vote.
Still, it would be wise to assume that we will have far greater fights than we have in recent years and the House Democrats will be much more open to moving anti-gun bills.
When the Republicans controlled the House last session, very few pro-gun bills moved out of committee, so you can imagine what the chances will be with the Democrats in control.
What’s important now is to be prepared, organized and active. If you are a supporter of OFF, thank you for all your help. If you are not yet a member, there has never been a more important time get involved. You can join and support OFF online here:
We are expecting the first anti-gun bills to be introduced before the session starts. As always, OFF will fight without compromise for your gun rights. Your involvement now is essential.