The Dust Never Settles
Your contributions to the Oregon Firearms Political Action Committee are more important than ever.
As you know, donations to our PAC may qualify for a tax credit meaning your gift to OFFPAC could cost you nothing. For details on PAC donations and credits please see this link or consult your tax advisor. Secure online donations can be made here:
We have avoided the unthinkable. The ascension of a low IQ quota hire to the White House could well have meant the end of the Republic. But even before all the results of this year’s election are in and counted the left has begun its expected drumbeat of hate and violence.
So there is still much to be done and while we can savor the 2nd Amendment victories in national elections let’s be cautious.
There is no question that a Harris victory would have been catastrophic, but Trump does have a history of making uninformed and bad decisions about guns. The recently defeated “bump stock” ban being the most prominent one.
Trump has taken some bad advice in the past, and his reliance on the NRA in that decision was just one example. The floundering NRA regularly endorses anti-gun candidates and its approval of bumpstock bans and “red flag” gun confiscations were typical of the kind of mixed messages that bedevil the gun rights community. The federal judge who ruled that a state wide ban on gun purchases and a prohibition on virtually all firearm’s magazines was constitutional was a Trump appointee.
But it’s important to note that Trump does seem to be surrounding himself with a better class of people than in his first term and if he is wise he will take advantage of the work the Heritage Foundation has done in the last 4 years to find and vet high integrity candidates for positions in his administration.
The left has already proclaimed its determination to do all it can to undermine him and the recent actions of federal law enforcement agencies have demonstrated what he will be up against taking on the deep state.
But OFFPAC deals with Oregon races and issues, so why is your support so important?
Once again, we have seen that the biggest threat to committed, constitutional, Republican candidates is…the Oregon Republican Establishment.
And while we are pleased to be able to say that the very few candidates we could ethically support have won, it was in spite of the disgraceful efforts of the cabal of insider Republican grifters who worked overtime with the money from unsuspecting Republican donors to torpedo any candidate that stood up for your rights.
Not only did they do their best to crush good Republicans, one Republican “leader” actually worked to elect an extreme anti-gun Democrat. Even after this duplicitous backstabbing the Republican Establishment protected House Rep Kim Wallan.
Let’s not forget that Wallan voted against an anti-gun bill because she didn’t think it punished gun owners enough!
The Cartel Republicans also joined together to throw pro-gun, Marine Corp Vet, James Hieb to the sharks to pave the way for the return of Christine Drazan. Drazan’s tenure as House Republican Leader was a carnival of capitulation to the far left. Not only did the caucus abandon one of their most committed members, but the Clackamas County Party, which knows better than most what a disaster Drazan is and will be, refused to endorse Hieb’s candidacy sealing his fate to the lobby funded sell-out Drazan.*
*UPDATE. It should be noted that while the party voted against supporting Hieb, there were many patriots in the Clackamas Party that recognized the lunacy of supporting Drazan. In the end they were narrowly outvoted by the Cartel, many of whom rarely showed up to party meetings but were there to stick it to one of the most committed legislators in Oregon’s House.
The list of reprehensible dirty tricks by the “take the money and run” wing of the Oregon Republican establishment is too long to list. This was one of their most brazen and deceitful.
But while the results of this election in Oregon prove that no policy is too big a failure for the blue counties to embrace and repeat, the election of a handful of candidates is something to cheer about.
Dwayne Yunker, (House 3), Noah Robinson (Senate 2) and Diane Linthicum (Senate 28) won handily even though the Republican establishment did everything it could to torpedo them. We are pleased to have endorsed and supported them. Alex Skarlatos won the House seat that was vacated when Christine Goodwin attempted to move to the Senate. Her loss to Noah Robinson and her replacement by Skarlatos was a double victory for anyone cheering for candidates of integrity.
Their victories tell a story you won’t hear from the regime media and you won’t hear it from the establishment Republicans. The fact is, these people, and others in more local races, won because of the financial support of people like you and the tireless courageous work of the Josephine County Republican Party which refused to go along with the losing game and stood up for these candidates.
In spite of the underhanded tactics of the frauds who brought vicious and deceitful attacks and created fake “pro-gun” organizations, the Josephine County Party stood strong, worked like crazy and elected people who actually stand for something. They should be considered a role model for county parties state wide. Rest assured the people they helped elect will be targets of the establishment and will need all the support we can give them. Skarlatos particularly, being new to Salem, will be under tremendous pressure to go along with the old failed guard. We cannot allow it.
The donations you give to OFFPAC go directly to solid candidates. They are not filtered through the caucus PACS who then distribute your money to candidates who agree to “play the game.”
That’s why your support is so important. You simply cannot rely on “insiders” to choose where your hard earned donations go. Back stabbers like Kim Wallan and gun control supporters like Kevin Mannix should not be getting the money you thought was going to pro-gun candidates.
The results of this election mean most of the same compromising Republicans and Marxist Democrats are returning to sell out your rights. We must be able to support the few good candidates who are willing to fight the odds on your behalf. Good principled candidates and legislators are facing attacks from both sides. Your support has been critical to show the honest few that they are valued.
Please consider a donation to OFFPAC and thank you for all you have done for freedom.
Secure online donations can be made here.
A mailing address is included if you prefer to donate by check or money order.