January 2016
As the Oregon State Police ID unit continues to stonewall, delay, and harass gun buyers,(no doubt at the direction of Kate Brown) it is interesting to see how this problem is handled by our elected officials.
We recently heard from a gentleman who was delayed on a firearms purchase. This is not unusual. We receive these calls about once a day.
We suggested that he contact Trish Whitfield who runs the ID unit, and his local officials.
He did reach out to his elected officials, but unfortunately for him, his elected officials are Democrats.
In a follow up email to us, the delayed buyer said:
“Unfortunately, in Forest Grove we are represented(?) by Chuck Riley and Susan Mc Lain. I repeatedly contacted both by phone. I was dealt with by flunkies who were politely unresponsive. I admit I engaged them more than once for the pure fun of it. I wasn’t expecting any real answers and they seemed remote and blissfully unencumbered by any sense of constituent service.”
He also attempted to contact Whitfield at OSP. As he said:
“I also called Patricia Whitfield and Lori Barnes at the numbers shown on your website. You know how that goes. But I decided to take a flyer and call the OSP switchboard and vent my concerns, repeatedly. This resulted in a call from a man named Kermit who was polite but not inclined to actually do anything on my behalf.”
This problem is clearly getting worse after a period of improvement.
For a long time, reaching out directly to the people who run the unit usually got results, but lately they seem to have done all they can to throw roadblocks in the way of those who are trying to get answers to why they are being denied or delayed.
As a result of the buyer’s dogged persistence he finally got a response from Lori Barnes, but these kinds of roadblocks are simply unacceptable.
Here is what he said he learned from his experience:
“What I think I learned from all this is:
1.) Be persistent and pester everyone you can. I was unfailingly polite but dogged and that probably helped.
2.) Having the official record immediately available ended the delay.
3.) Lori Barnes (lori.barnes@state.or.us) is a nice, reasonable lady who was still working after hours to clear the backlog. She was obviously fatigued but was determined to do her job before going home for the night.
4.) Apparently passing the Federal Background check has no influence over Oregon.”
But there is another lesson here and that is about the behavior of our “elected officials” who allow their personal agendas to get in the way of any assistance for their constituents.
Compare the complete disregard McLain and Riley have for their constituents, with the response of Republican Bill Post.

Following is a excerpt from an email Representative Post recently received from a constituent after promising to immediately look into a delay the constituent was subjected to:
“Bill and Betsy,
You are amazing-thank you so much for jumping on this! I just received a call from Cabelas letting me know that OSP sent over an authorization code and that I can proceed with the transfer-now I get to go skeet shooting come spring time with my own shotgun! Yeah! I can’t thank you enough for helping me in this matter-I’m not sure what else I would have done. It is a really powerful and moving experience to see government work in such a personal way. I hope you have a great New Year and thanks again.”
We applaud Representative Post’s commitment to the Second Amendment and his constituents. It is simply disgraceful that his actions should even be necessary and even more disgraceful that people like McClain and Riley are so contemptuous of qualified gun buyers in their district.
The take away from this seems to be, if you want to exercise your rights, you’d better not live in a Democrat district.