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We’ve been telling you about the train wreck that has been the 2022 legislative session. As it draws to a close it appears the biggest losers will be farmers, local school boards, voter integrity and the rule of law. So you could say we got off easy.

But, as you will recall, we have other battles taking place on a more local level.

Both Yamhill and Columbia County have Second Amendment Sanctuary Ordinances, passed with OFF’s support.

Both are being challenged by the state and well funded anti-rights organizations.

In Columbia County two ordinances were passed by the voters through ballot measures. There, two of the county commissioners conspired to overturn the will of the people.

The two county commissioners, Henry Heimuller and Margaret Magruder,  devised a plan to rewrite the ordinances and then ask the courts to strike down the version they created.

They appear to have made plans to seek “judicial review” of their new ordinance before they even passed it.

The state of Oregon, and deep pocket anti-gun groups, then got involved and ask the court to throw out the new ordinance.  The court recognized the game being played and refused.  So the anti-rights cabal that includes our attorney general appealed.

That is the costly battle we are fighting right now in Columbia County.  During both phases of this court fight the other side as repeatedly lied about what the ordinance did. After being smacked down in the lower court, they have reasserted the same false allegations about the ordinance in the appeals process.

We beat them once and have no choice but to fight them again.  Our legal team has done an amazing job of pointing out what a sham these attacks are, but the state and Bloomberg’s freedom haters have endless resources and the bills are adding up.

In Yamhill County, the ordinance was passed by the commissioners themselves.  Commissioners Mary Starrett and Lindsey Berschauer passed the ordinance over the hysterical objections of Commissioner Casey Kulla.

Casey Kulla

Kulla is a far left extremist who recently announced a run for Governor and now has decided he wants to be labor commissioner. But as in Columbia County, the heavy hand of the state has come down and the Attorney General of Oregon is suing to block the Yamhill ordinance as well.

Kulla is using the state’s lawsuit to attack Commissioner Berschauer and has joined a cabal of left wing radicals in an effort to recall her.  This group of agitators tried to recall her once before ( as they did with several Newberg school board members).  They failed.

Now, flush with cash, they are attempting to recall her again. Kulla has published a letter filled with lies promoting the ouster of his colleague.

His lies are so outrageous it’s hard to imagine anyone taking him seriously. Kulla states:

“Commissioner Berschauer knowingly breaking state law, forcing elected officials to break the law and violate their oats (sic) and forcing county taxpayers to to foot the bill of the consequences is not disagreement”

We expect absurd and nonsensical accusations like this from liberals, but Kulla’s error filled rant really takes fraudulent accusations to a new and pathetic low.

We support Commissioner Berschauer, who won her seat on a promise to enact this exact ordinance, and will stand against the insidious and false attacks that have become the hallmark of the far left in Yamhill County.

But we need your help.  The protection of these ordinances is more than a local issue. How these cases are decided could determine the future of ordinances across the country that seek to stand up to the unconstitutional and tyrannical mandates made by leftist controlled state legislatures on counties and cities.

As you can imagine, these battles are extremely expensive.  We would be grateful for any support you can afford to help us win these essential fights.

Your tax deducible donation to the Oregon Firearms Educational Foundation could be all that stands in the way of the state crushing people who stand up to them.

Please consider making the most generous contribution you can.

You can use our secure online page by choosing “Oregon Firearms Educational Foundation” from the “Donation Category” drop down menu.

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If you prefer to donate by check, please send your contribution to ;

Oregon Firearms Educational Foundation

PO Box 556

Canby OR 97013

Thank you for your support. It’s never been more important.