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While it seems unlikely that anyone who reading this would miss a vote, the reality is many gun owners do not register to vote or return their ballots.

We get it, it’s easy to conclude that it doesn’t matter, that your vote doesn’t count.  In Oregon, where the Republican establishment regularly grovels to the ruling party and does its bidding, any thinking person might wonder what the point is. (Dennis Linthicum and a tiny handful of others being the exceptions.)

But it does matter.  What has gone on in the last few months, and what is, no doubt, still to come, has demonstrated beyond doubt that the forces of the left will do absolutely anything to stay in power. And we mean anything.

We do know this; no matter what happens, Kamela Harris will not be running the country next year. The forces that elevated her from a boat anchor on the Democrat ticket to the “queen of joy” and our “savior” will not allow an imbecile to be in charge. While Biden’s incoherent ramblings are mostly attributed to his age and cognitive decline, Harris is simply a low IQ quota hire.  Whoever was pulling Biden’s strings will be jerking Harris around like a marionette on amphetamines.  America simply will not survive four more years of this.

If the President of the United States is the product of DEI who cannot answer a softball question from a fawning sycophant like Oprah Winfrey, with anything more informative than “I was raised a middle class kid” there is little hope for the Republic.

That’s why it is absolutely imperative that you vote in this election. We know, Oregon’s “vote by mail” system is a breeding ground for fraud and failure. Any small sorting error at the Post Office could make your ballot disappear or be delivered to someone else.  Recent events have proven that Oregon’s system for registering voters by the DMV is the natural habitat for scams. And we don’t know the half of it.

But it’s those very sad realities that make it all the more important that your ballot be completed and returned in the safest possible way to your county elections clerk.  And please, do not wait till the last minute. We have not seen the last of the left’s shenanigans.  If it looks like the election is not going their way, there is no end to what kind of mysterious and unexpected “technical problems” could make your ballot and your vote evaporate.

So please get your vote in as soon as possible and make sure it’s counted.

As you know, we are in the midst of multiple lawsuits trying to protect what is left of our gun rights and doing the job elected Oregon Republicans won’t do.  Work is going on to prepare for the next step in our lawsuit against Oregon’s ban on personally made firearms, the state case against Measure 114 will be before Oregon’s Appeals Court next month, and our Federal lawsuit against 114 continues to wind its endless way through the Ninth Circuit, which will do all it can to delay a ruling in hopes of another Democrat administration to stack the Supreme Court against us.

Let’s face it, the dice are loaded against us in court. Across the country in firearm’s related cases judges are openly defying the rulings of the Supreme Court to reinterpret black letter law in an effort to squash gun rights. The judge in our Federal case against Mz 114 flipped the Supreme Court’s direction on its head by requiring our side to justify modern firearms when the Court had made it clear that it is the state’s job to justify its restrictions.

What was once “lawful purposes” is now “lawful purposes for self defense.” A limiter invented by lower courts to derail the Supreme Court’s clear directions.

“Dangerous and unusual” has become “dangerous or unusual.”  “In common use” is being contorted into “common use for self defense,” a word game that opens the door to ban virtually anything.

But these battles simply must be fought and they must be paid for.  We are very grateful for the generous support gun owners have provided to allow us to stay in the fight. 

We could not do it without you.  Please consider helping us continue to stand up for you against the anti-gun militants.

You can make a secure online donation here:

That link includes a mailing address if you prefer to donate by check or money order.

And please, make sure your ballot is returned and counted.  If the forces behind Harris succeed you can bet our Supreme Court will be unrecognizable very soon.


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Today You Became A Criminal




Today, Oregon’s latest bipartisan gun ban takes effect.

Oregonians who have honorably followed in the footsteps of America’s most innovative firearms creators by crafting firearms or firearm parts themselves are officially criminals.

HB 2005 makes it a crime to make or be in possession of any modern firearm or certain firearm’s parts unless those have been serialized in accordance with federal rules.

The only exceptions are firearms made before 1968 if the manufacturer did not include a serial number.

Make no mistake, this latest effort to trash the Second Amendment was brought to you by both Republicans and Democrats and could have easily been stopped if the Oregon House Republicans had a spine instead of an obsessive need to capitulate to the ruling party.

The reporting on this new law by the regime media has been amazingly sloppy even by today’s standards of “journalism”. Let’s not even get into their absurd assumption that unserialized guns are assembled at home and can be easily purchased online, but can’t be picked up in a metal detector.”

 Lauren Drake, from OPB, the state’s official propaganda arm, wrote:

The Oregon Department of Justice has issued a fact sheet to explain key parts of the new law and a list of federally licensed gun dealers in the state that can serialize firearms.”

Drake apparently did not bother to read the one page “fact sheet” (which included few facts) that she quoted.  The “fact sheet” does nothing of the sort. In “fact”  the sheet actually says:

To comply, firearms, frames and receivers that do not have serial numbers can be taken to a federally licensed gun dealer (FFL) to be serialized. Visit your local gun shop and ask how you can get your items serialized. A list of FFLs in Oregon is available on the ATF website.2”

Drake, who knows better because we told her, does not see the absurdity in the Attorney General of Oregon advising gun owners to get a legal opinion from a gun store.

This idiotic advice from a rabidly anti-gun Attorney General is like advising someone searching for a 1972 Ferrari to Google “used car dealers.”  Currently we know of no FFL’s who both have the proper licenses and equipment to serialize guns and are willing put their names on a gun made by someone else.  If you know of any FFL’s that are willing to provide this service please let us know.

But if there are any it will probably no longer matter.  As of today, the simple possession of a personally manufactured firearm or frame or receiver is a crime. And while the gun grabbers at the AG’s office are misrepresenting the law they are pushing, we see no road for compliance.

“If you own a ghost gun as of September 1st, it’s required to have a serial number on it,” said Michael Kron, the special counsel for Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum’s office….

Kron said the Oregon ghost gun law does not actually ban people from assembling their own guns at home. They just need to be officially serialized after they’re made.

But wait a minute. Amie Wexler, Oregon chapter lead for Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America said:

  When Governor Kotek signed the bill, it immediately made it illegal for people to transport or sell or transfer these type of unserialized weapons. But now it’s actually also illegal to own the parts in your own home without taking them to your local gun dealer and getting them serialized.”

If it’s illegal to own or make any firearm, frame, or receiver without a serial number then you are already a criminal when you attempt to have the item serialized, if you can even find someone to do it.  So the AG’s position that the “Oregon ghost gun law does not actually ban people from assembling their own guns at home” is clearly BS.

In response to an email from KGW, we explained this but as of now they have seen no reason to report it.

As you know, a Judge in Portland denied our request for an injunction against this latest unconstitutional ban. She, like so many other judges across the country, chose to misapply or ignore the rulings of the Supreme Court for 2nd Amendment cases.  The game these judges are playing from coast to coast is to either pretend that whatever is being banned is not an “arm” and therefor is not protected, or to claim that they are “not in common use for self defense.”   But while  pivotal  cases did refer to “self defense” at no time was the intention to limit the right to own an “arm” strictly for self defense. Something  the judge in our case pointedly chose to ignore.

This dishonest approach means virtually anything can be banned if our side cannot produce an extensive list of self defense uses of the item being banned.  So not only can any single firearm or component be banned in the absence of a long list of recorded self defense uses, any new innovation can be banned simply because it has not existed long enough to be in “common use.” 

In the case of personally made firearms, not only do they use this bogus policy to imply they have no legitimate use, but they also conflate the crappy data the ATF supplies concerning conventional firearms that had their serial numbers removed with actual personally made firearms.

Furthermore, to justify this attack on your rights and privacy they drag out this nonsense:

According to the Federal Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, “From 2016 through 2021, there were approximately 45,240 suspected privately made firearms reported to ATF as having been recovered by law enforcement from potential crime scenes, including 692 homicides or attempted homicides.”

Suspected privately made firearms” from “potential crime scenes.  Ok got it.

The left continues to claim that personally made firearms can be banned because they are used in crimes.  So anything anyone uses in a crime is fair game for banning. They claim they are “dangerous and unusual “ so they can be banned.  All firearms are dangerous and “unusual” is clearly in the eye of whomever is pushing the ban.

All of this idiocy could have been stopped if the Republicans we elected to protect our rights actually did that.  But in Oregon the few who stood up in the Senate were sold down their river by their “leader” and cannot run for their seats again.  The entire House Republican Caucus rolled over and refused to stop this when they could have at no cost to themselves. 

It is clear that there is very little chance that we are going to make changes in the legislature when the people on “our side” are more interested in sending out an endless stream of fundraising mail disguised as petitions and surveys than in actually doing anything.  That leaves us in expensive court battles where the Judges are virtually all anti-gun political appointees.  It’s the worst of all possible situations but it’s what we have.

OFF, along with other great pro-rights organizations like Firearms Policy Coalition  will continue to fight as long as we have your support. 

Please consider donating to these important battles.  You can make a secure online donation here:

Thank you.

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Today, Judge Adrienne Nelson, denied our request for a restraining order to delay the implementation of HB 2005, the bill banning the ownership of privately made firearms.

A brief review of her decision will display a determined effort to avoid both common sense and an understanding of plain English.  But it will also display the dangers of our side playing their game and accepting limitations the founders never imagined.

The Second Amendment is not complicated, does not prevent Americans from owning firearms appropriate for combat or ban any item that is misused by criminals.  But once again, both sides of Oregon’s legislative aisle have worked together to punish the people they were elected to serve.

HB 2005 will turn thousands of law abiding Oregonians into criminals and perpetuate the bigoted myth that innovative and talented people have criminal intent because they like to make things themselves. The incessant urge of Oregon lawmakers to subjugate the people is truly insatiable and Oregon’s judges’ blatant and arrogant disregard for the clear dictates of the Supreme Court is chilling.

It will come as no surprise that Judge Nelson was a Kate Brown appointee elevated to the Federal Court by the soon-to-be-removed Joe Biden.

So what does this mean for people who own personally manufactured firearms? It’s impossible to say.

While the politicians and their rubber stamp parrots in the media insist that this simply requires that you have a serial number added to a firearm or unfinished part you own, the reality is that it’s not that simple.  It is completely unclear how anyone would go about doing this.  The serial number cannot be affixed by the person who constructed the firearm. Only a federally licensed firearm manufacturer, importer or dealer, or a gunsmith with a federal firearms license, in accordance with federal law”.

While the law is so poorly written that no one really knows how to comply with it, the bigger problem is that people who do choose to obey one more outrageous and unconstitutional attack on their rights, (like bumpstock bans and pistol brace bans) really have no way to comply.

Although the bill allows an authorized person to take these newly illegal items into their possession to apply a number, it’s still illegal for the owner to have it in the first place.  And if a person were to make one now, it would be illegal for them to create it even if they intended to have a number applied to it.

The criminal penalties take effect Sept 1. We do not have any information on who is willing to apply serial numbers to firearms they did not make. We do not have any opinions we trust on what people can do to avoid legal jeopardy.  We do know that all of this could have been avoided if the members of the Republican House Caucus under the failed “leadership” of Vikki Iverson had simply done their jobs and said “no.”

Next steps are being discussed. We will keep you posted.

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HB 2005 Lawsuit Announced.



As soon as Oregon House Republicans helped pass HB 2005, the ban on possession of personally made firearms, they comically and theatrically appeared on the Capitol steps with a giant fake check claiming that they would be funding a lawsuit against the bill they just help pass.


As with most politician’s promises, this one was quickly forgotten.

So now countless Oregon gun owners who, perfectly legally, manufactured their own personal firearms, could face felony charges.

But while Oregon’s House Republicans may be committed to carrying water for the anti-gun Democrats, we’re happy to announce that Oregon Firearms Federation has joined with our friends at Firearms Policy Coalition to challenge this disgraceful attack in Federal Court.

For decades OFF as encouraged and relied upon grassroots gun owner activism to protect our rights in the legislature.  But as the House Republicans, and many in the Senate, have become nothing more than yes-men to the Democrats, we have had no choice but to move our fights from the legislature to the courtroom.  We wish it were not so, but for now, it’s the hand we have been dealt.

Oregon’s elected officials from both parties are determined to strip Oregonians of their Second Amendment Rights as sure as they are determined to encourage violent criminal behavior. We have no choice but to go around them.

We are no fans of Federal Courts in Oregon, but that is where the battle is.

You can view a copy of the complaint here.

Oregon’s House Republicans pulled a “bait and switch” and extorted money from their members with a false promise of funding a lawsuit against the bill they helped pass. Since then they have pretended it never happened and just don’t want to talk about it.

They have our address if they want to actually keep their word.  In the meantime, we’ll just have to rely on people who do keep their word. Our supporters.

If you would like to help us win this latest court battle, you can do so here.  Donations to the Oregon Firearms Educational Foundation, which pays for our lawsuits, are tax deductible.

We want to express our gratitude to the Firearms Policy Coalition for being a national leader in these fights.

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Kamela Harris Is A Cackling Imbecile

Kamela Harris Is A Cackling Imbecile




Simply put, Harris is a low IQ quota hire with no actual accomplishments, whose rise to mediocrity was based on who she was having sex with in California.

Her most memorable moments are convoluted, word salad, embarrassments that serve only as fodder for memes and parodies.  She is so without redeeming qualities that she was essentially laughed out of the presidential primary in the last race by her fellow Democrats. There are credible reports that until recently there were behind-the-scenes discussions on how to remove her from the ticket in 2024. In short, she is a talentless, Marxist, bobblehead who spews inanities and whose only qualifications for office are her race and genitals.

And she could very well be the next President of the United States.

Make no mistake, the same people who rigged the last election and have employed every conceivable machination (including murder) to prevent Trump from winning the next election have anointed this loser as their standard bearer and there are plenty of people in America who are eager to vote for her because she is a quota hire.

It’s a terrifying reality. The same person who was run out of the race for President because she is a buffoon (even by Democrat standards) has now become the chosen one to defeat Trump.

Having watched the surreal display of the heads of federal law enforcement agencies boldly lie to Congress, and refuse to even answer questions that they admitted they had the answers to, it’s undeniable that there will be no one in a position of authority to oversee the legitimacy of the next election.

It is simply not believable that the world’s “premier” protective agency “overlooked” a clearly visible location a killer could use to assassinate the former President and there just happened to be a nearby 20 year old, with virtually no social media history, who had a drone and a rifle and an opportunity to climb a roof unnoticed by police. What a coincidence.

That’s why, as insane as it may sound, this idiot could very well become the next President.

So it is absolutely essential that gun owners register to vote and vote.  Oregon’s vote by mail system was created and modified to allow the most possible corruption and manipulation. Our voter roles are a mess. The US Mail system cannot be relied on to deliver new ballots to voters or marked ballots back to election’s offices.

Every single one of us must recognize the critical importance of voting early and getting our ballots safely to the elections offices, and we must do all we can to encourage, cajole, and badger other gun owners and lovers of liberty to do the same.

The left is brilliant and ruthless at harvesting ballots, legitimate and not.  The Oregon Republican Party has shown no similar history of powerful get-out-the-vote efforts.

Let’s face it. Our rights are hanging on by a thread.  Oregon is one expensive court decision away from a complete ban on the sale of firearms and the outlawing of virtually all magazines and most shotguns.  And if this puppet becomes President even moving out of state will not be an option. Whoever has been pulling Biden’s strings will be making Harris dance like a marionette in the hands of a Portland tweaker.  Bank on it.  You can rest assured that her coronation was only agreed to by the people in charge because she can be controlled. And if you thought a senile Biden was bad… you ain’t seen nothing.

Please do not underestimate the power of the corrupt deep state to rig the next election. (If they haven’t figured out a way to kill Trump first.) We must make sure that every rational person who can vote is registered, fills out a ballot, and makes sure it is as safely as possible in the hands of the county elections office. 

Our Republic is already crippled by the corruption and weaponization of once trusted and revered agencies.  We cannot allow inaction to result in the installation of another big state puppet in the Oval Office.

The have tried everything they can dream up and they are not done yet. Please don’t let your guard down.

In other news, the battle against Measure 114 in the state case continues.  Attorney Tony Aiello continues to do a masterful job disassembling the state’s arguments. But the fight is in the hands of Oregon’s Court of Appeals and the state likes to protect the state.  Although by all indications the state is doing a sloppy job, the court seems to be willing to let them ignore protocol and miss deadlines.  So we are still very much in danger.

We have never preferred to have our battles in courtrooms where activism does not matter and all it comes down to is money. But that is the hand we have been dealt and as long as elected Republicans in Oregon continue to be more interested in collecting donations than they are in fighting for our rights, we are forced to continue to fund these battles.

Your support is essential to protecting what rights we have left. Please consider whatever contribution you can to help us fight these endless courtroom wars.  Donations to the Oregon Firearms Educational Foundation qualify for a tax deduction and are used to finance these efforts.

You can make a secure online donation here:

Thank you.

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HB 2005 Lawsuit



In 2023, Oregon Republicans greased the skids to pass one more attack on your rights and property with HB 2005.

HB 2005 outlawed the possession of constitutionally protected, personally made firearms.

The law is, as you would expect, a convoluted mess that a careful reading will demonstrate, makes no sense.

After helping the Democrats pass the bill, the Oregon House Republicans, in a cynical and disgraceful display of bait and switch, posed on the Capitol steps with a giant fake check that they said was going to be used for a lawsuit against the bill they had just helped pass.

The money that check represented was collected from the PACs of the various House members.

As you know, the Republicans were lying.  There was never a lawsuit and as far as we know, none of the House Reps whose money was grifted from them ever got it back. But that’s their problem.

Our problem was the bill, and the Republican’s part in passing it and their con game about fighting it in court.

Well we have some good news. It appears there actually will be a lawsuit and not from the duplicitous Republicans.

Firearms Policy Coalition has announced their intention to fight this plainly unconstitutional law.

They are currently seeking Oregon residents who could be plaintiffs in the case. This could be the fight so many have been waiting for.

If you, or someone you know wants to be considered to be a plaintiff use the following link for more information.


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Independence Day 2024


Independence Day 2024

“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

With those words, almost 250 years ago, the Founders of our country laid an unapologetic framework for liberty .

They are no less true today.

Year after year we have watched as our country has descended into tyranny and planned chaos while the agencies of the state have grown, usurped our freedoms and our property, lied to protect their power, and even killed people for political gain.

“Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…”

Few of us would concede that we have “consented” to the endless attacks on our freedoms we have experienced on a state and national level. 

Most of us would agree that it is absurd that we are forced to spend vast sums of money to defend our God given rights against a government determined to control every aspect of our lives while doing all it can to render us helpless against the evildoers it protects. But that is where we find ourselves.

America is in crisis.  Even the most delusional deniers have had to admit that the President of our country is mentally unfit to serve.  The rest of us we have always known he is morally unfit as well.

But while these epic struggles will continue as long as men succumb to their own nature, and we push ahead with two critical lawsuits to defend what should never have been threatened, there is positive news.

There have been several significant and positive Supreme Court decisions.  The left, hell bent on destroying our traditions, our rights and our country, is reeling.  More voices are being raised against the outrages of the “elites” and the truth is breaking through as it never has before.

So on this, the greatest and most distinctly American holiday, we want to thank you for your tireless activism, your generous financial support, and all the good wishes and prayers you have sent our way for almost thirty years.

No matter what the near future holds we  share our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

Happy Independence Day.

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Another One Bites The Dust



It’s not often that we get to bring you good news, and lately it’s been extremely rare, but today we are pleased to report the third major pro-rights victory in two days. (We updated yesterday’s alert on the website to include the court victory against Biden’s efforts to entrap any gun owner who transferred a firearm.)

Today the US Supreme Court struck down the Trump “bump stock” ban, correctly noting, that politics and word games aside, “bump stocks” are not machine guns and do not make semi-auto firearms machine guns, no matter how hard ignorant or malicious people attempt to twist the English language.

Given that the dedicated public servants over at ATF have actually determined that a shoelace is a machine gun this is a tremendous victory for sanity, common sense, and the all too rare notion that words actually mean something.  Remember, the bump stock ban did not say bump stocks identified as machine guns. It said they were machine guns.


With the usual suspects dissenting and demonstrating a complete and embarrassing lack of understanding of simple mechanical principles (if you don’t know what a “woman” is you are going to struggle with concepts like “trigger groups”) the court correctly analyzed the definitions that are actually written into our laws and concluded that bump stocks do not meet the very clear definition of “machine gun” under US regulations.

“Bump stocks” were banned by Trump in a knee jerk reaction to a mass shooting in Las Vegas.  There may never have been a criminal event that was “investigated” more sloppily and with so little credibility. In the end, every single “conclusion” reached by the “investigators” was suspect. The much reported use of bump stocks in that horrible crime is likewise highly suspect.

The firearms community has long argued over the value of bump stocks and some have expressed the opinion that they are pointless gadgets that serve no useful purpose.  Some even felt that their prohibition was no big deal.  We disagree.  While the only real purpose they may serve is turning money into noise, if bureaucrats, even the President of the United States, can arbitrarily change the meaning of words, nothing is safe.  It is a short distance between saying sliding plastic parts are machine guns to saying AR-15’s are machine guns. In fact we have seen this very issue arise with the just overturned ban on stabilizing braces, the reinvention of what defines a “firearm” for the purpose of mandatory registration, and Biden’s demented attempt to say that any gun owner who wants to transfer a gun to another person is a “gun dealer.”

These victories are all the more rewarding given the vicious war on gun owners declared by Biden’s handlers and the rest of the far left apparatchiks in control of the government at this time. (Biden’s recent rambling speech at an anti-2nd Amendment group about keeping guns out of the wrong hands and “safe storage” while his crackhead son was being found guilty of gun crimes was surreal.)

While we have our own battles in Oregon with an anti-gun Democrat majority and a Republican minority that refuses to stand up and fight, a victory anywhere in the country is a victory for all gun owners. Your support and activism in these battles is the reason for every inch of ground we take back.  So take a moment to congratulate yourself. And thank you.




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And The Beat Goes On.

Today gun owners had another victory in the endless battle to protect their God given right to self defense.

The United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas ruled in Mock v Garland that the Biden ban on pistol braces “ …violated the Administrative Procedure Act …because it was arbitrary and capricious and was not a logical outgrowth of the Proposed Rule.”

This case has been bouncing around for a while and will certainly be appealed by the most tyrannical Department of Justice in US History.  Ironically, the defendant in this case, US Attorney General Merrick Garland, could well be convicted of breaking the law himself.

Never before has America had an Attorney General so committed to using his department as a partisan weapon to silence and intimidate his political opponents while protecting grifters in the administration.

While the pistol brace prohibition had been “on hold”, this is a positive and demonstrative step in the protection of gun owners.

As you know, the geniuses at the BATFE originally declared that pistol braces were unquestionably legal and unregulated. Or they were unregulated unless they touched your shoulder, or they could touch your shoulder but only for a second or so. Or something. Finally the BATFE, through an arcane, opaque, and indecipherable “rule” said that “no, they are not legal unless you register the firearm they were attached to as a short barrel rifle.”

This process involved contacting ATF and essentially telling  them that you wanted to “register” a regulated firearm that you already had and getting the required tax stamp after acquiring the firearm instead of before.  Some well versed folks opined that you were essentially contacting that most benign of all agencies and telling them that you were a felon and would they please send you a “get out of jail” card.  (The card would most certainly not be “free”.)

So unless there is a successful appeal by the most corrupt administration in the history of our great Republic, pistol braces are once again legal under Federal law. If you did register your pistol as an SBR, it appears you now have a strictly regulated firearm, although it is totally unclear what these guns will be considered going forward.

If you chose to ignore this clearly hate based stupidity you are now more permanently protected by this ruling. Of course, all of these victories are temporary but we’ll take what we can get and want to congratulate Firearms Policy Coalition and the plaintiffs in this case.

UPDATE: In other news, Biden’s attempt to force every law abiding gun owner to file to become and FFL has hit a snag.

Meanwhile, our battles against Measure 114 are moving forward at a glacial pace. We believe our Federal lawsuit will be several more years in the courts. The state case, which gun owners are winning at this point, is headed to the Oregon Appeals Court as we speak. There is simply no way to predict the outcome on that one, but it will happen sooner.  Victory there is simply essential.  If we lose there, gun rights in Oregon could basically end for the foreseeable future. 

Those legal bills keep coming in.  If you can help us with a donation to our Foundation your support will be greatly appreciated.

You can donate at this page (which includes mailing info if you prefer to donate by check).  Please use the drop down menu to indicate your donation is for the Oregon Firearms Educational Foundation.  Donations to the Foundation are tax deductible.

Thank you for your continued generosity.

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The Most Dangerous Time In America





Gun owners have had plenty of reasons to be seriously unhappy with Donald Trump.

His ignorant and politically motivated attacks on bump stocks and comments about “due process later” had reasonable people shaking their heads.  Oregon Firearms Federation joined other pro-gun organizations to submit an amicus brief in a lawsuit against the bump stock ban. We are not knee jerk supporters of any politician. However, what happened yesterday, while not entirely unexpected, was a turning point whose danger cannot be overestimated.

What we warned about when Biden took office has come true in a manner even more devastating than we could have predicted. The current administration has systematically destroyed much of our country with ruthless efficiency.

No one who is a political opponent of the left is safe.  The law enforcement agencies whose job it is to protect Americans now openly target them, sometimes fatally.

“ATF agents cut off the electricity to Bryan Malinowski’s Little Rock home before executing their search warrant on March 19. None of the agents wore body cameras, and they covered Malinowski’s doorbell camera with tape to hide their actions. Fifty-seven seconds after kicking down the front door, Malinowski was fatally shot in the head. “

The jury in the criminal trial against Trump did not even make the pretense of deliberating.  Much like in the trial against Mike Strickland, and our federal lawsuit against Mz 114, the dice were loaded from the start.

We have truly crossed the line.

All of this is coordinated, none of it is by chance and it’s happening at lightning speed.

The rule of law is officially extinct in America and any one of us could be the next victim of the Marxist takeover that everyone sees, except the people we elect to represent us.

The current administration, and the extreme left it represents, will tell any lie, break any law, and crush anyone who stands in their way.

The response from the “opposing” party has been desk thumping, fist waving, and faux outrage.  Sternly written letters will follow. Fund raising mail disguised as press releases will flood your in box.  Congress will convene hearings where heads of federal agencies will refuse to answer questions with impunity and soon it will be business as usual.

In Oregon, the Republicans will continue to pound out empty tweets and digital ads decrying the direction the Democrats are taking the state, while tacitly admitting they plan to assist the left in every way.

(Today, in spite of having already won her election, Christine Drazan sent out another request for money without a single word of the travesty of Trump’s convictions.)

“After losing by 3 percentage points to Tina Kotek in the 2022 governor’s race, Drazan founded A New Direction to advocate for what she characterized as centrist policy priorities.”

“I’m an Oregon Republican. I think it’s time for our party to stop denying election results and focus on winning elections instead.”So said Reagan Knopp in a tweet this week on X, the social media platform once known as Twitter.

“McLane described himself as a pragmatist when it comes to legislation. As a lawmaker, he said he plans to participate and contribute to policy decisions in every way he can, and he plans to speak soon with both Bonham and Senate President Rob Wagner, D-Lake Oswego, about how he can help next year.”

Bryan Iverson, Vikki Iverson’s husband, and the hitman who created the dishonest and disgraceful attack on Noah Robinson, called the few Republicans with principles “obstructionists.”

“They want that brand of Republicans that are just obstructionist, basically,” Iverson said.

House Rep Cyrus Javadi derisively said his primary opponent represents the far, far right-wing Republican Party”

“Far right wing” is the Republican establishment’s pejorative for anyone standing up to the Democrats.

House Rep Mark Owens bemoaned the loss of anti-gun Charlie Conrad: “My view was that Charlie’s one of the most honorable men that I’ve ever had the privilege to work with, and I’d like to continue to work with him,” Owens said. 

The number of Republicans willing to stand up for your rights is now vanishingly small. In pursuit of whatever crumbs the Democrats are willing to offer them to remain docile and obedient, the Republican establishment has already signaled surrender and you can rest assured they will be doing all they can to undermine the few who will fight.

While some Republicans are still releasing daily barrages of fund raisers pretending to be “petitions” in support of police or truckers, as of today the legislative website does not reflect a single Republican press release condemning the courtroom lynching of Trump.  We will be pleased to update this page if they do.

Make no mistake, all Americans, and especially gun owners, are in danger now. The politicians are not going to protect you. The alphabet agencies consider you a threat and a combatant. The courts cannot be relied on. (We are still dealing with two separate lawsuits to protect your right to protect yourself in Oregon.)

America has never seen anything like this.  Be prepared watch out for your family, friends and neighbors.

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2024 Primary Election




We wish you and your family a blessed and patriotic Memorial Day and honor the many Americans who gave all in the fight for freedom.

Oregon’s election month is in full swing. And unlike other, more backward states that force voters to actually come to the polls, show ID and vote in person, and have results by the next morning, more modern and progressive Oregon won’t have “official” results until…well who really knows?

However, it appears that there are sufficient numbers to call most races. The outcome is decidedly “mixed.”

Let’s start with the good news.

(The following races are all Republican.)

In Senate District 28 , OFFPAC-endorsed Diane Linthicum won over Dave Henslee.

Diane is the wife of Dennis Linthicum who voters prevented from seeking reelection through Ballot Measure 113. So the same voters who decided Dennis could not run for his seat again, handily elected his wife who will certainly carry on with his principles.

Diane has made it clear she intends to continue to fight for Oregon’s voters and not fold and make deals like most Republicans.   Henslee, on the other hand, made no secret of his plans to roll over for the Democrat agenda, refuse to stand up to them and instead “stay and fight” demonstrating he had exactly zero understanding of how things work in Salem.  After the election he was quoted attacking Diane saying She completely supports Dennis Linthicum’s voting record, and in my opinion, his voting record hasn’t benefited our district.”

Voters in the 28th are lucky to have chosen a fighter and not one more establishment stooge.

In Senate District 2, OFFPAC-endorsed Noah Robinson defeated Christine Goodwin.

Goodwin, who will now leave her House Seat and return to the private sector, ran a campaign that can only be described and vicious and repulsive.  She had her hatchet men, the Iverson clan, produce campaign material that was disgraceful and blatantly false.

Robinson is the son of Art Robinson, who like Dennis Linthicum, was barred from seeking reelection. And while, once again, the voters passed a measure to prevent them from voting for the candidate of their choice, they chose the candidate most likely to carry on the agenda of the candidate they prevented from running again. You have to wonder what would have happened had there been even one argument against the ballot measure by the Republicans. (Who were counting on the sure-to-happen “red wave.”)

(Interestingly, Senators Dennis Linthicum and Brian Boquist, who were prohibited from seeking their Senate seats because of a vote of the people, both handily won their races for Secretary of State and Treasurer respectively)

Goodwin was not helped by her “endorsement” of “Oregon Gun Rights” a PAC that did not even exist until after she claimed their endorsement. In fact, the PAC was created to give her what appeared to be the support of gun owners. As of May 24th, the “PAC” still only shows one transaction. From its creator, Senator Tim Knopp’s son…to himself.

Goodwin, who claimed to live in a rented apartment on someone else’s property, can now save some money and return home to her well appointed house that is actually not in the district she was running in.

Goodwin expressed disappointment that voters in the district actually wanted someone to fight for them rather than show up to advance the Democrat’s agenda like Goodwin did. She said “Yet, Republicans must remember we cannot expect to succeed by refusing to engage and participate in the legislative process in Salem.”   Translated that means “We must continue to provide the Democrats the quorum they need to ram their leftist crap down our throats.”

House Rep and former Republican Leader Vikki Iverson’s husband, establishment hack Bryan, bemoaned the election of a real fighter saying “They want that brand of Republicans that are just obstructionist, basically,… I think that they were pushing for that from the get-go, and that’s obviously how it turned out.”

The Republican lapdog establishment hates anyone who stands in the way of the Democrat’s Marxist utopia preferring yes men (and women) who will shut up and hand over what remains of the state to the left. “Obstructing” the Democrat’s plans is a bad thing according the people running the Republican Caucus.

House Rep, Charlie Conrad, who won his seat last time when the Iversons attacked his conservative opponent, and along with Republican Kevin Mannix voted to push more Democrat gun control (and of course still got and NRA endorsement) got soundly trounced by Darin Harbick .

While Conrad was the choice of the sell out Republican machine, he was not so loved by the people in his district who also did not appreciate his promotion of sex changes and abortions for children with no parental knowledge or consent.  Another set back for the Republican establishment.

On the downside, while Portland’s Marxist DA, Mike Schmidt, was removed from the Portland politics gene pool, his replacement, Nathan Vasquez, is no conservative, having run on his brag of having prosecuted “Proud Boys” whose major crime was shooting paint balls,  while antifa ran wild unmolested by Multnomah County’s “justice system.”

And demonstrating once again the absolute dementia of Portland Democrats, as of today, none other than failed mayor and minor attracted person, Sam Adams is leading for Multnomah County Commissioner seat. Hide your sons.

Senator David Brock Smith got reelected in spite of his support for providing tampons to kindergarten boys and the quorum Democrats needed to pass their bills.  Smith reliably showed up on the Senate floor day after day while others walked out , determined to protect his seat and the Democrat’s agenda. 

Proving you can fool some of the people all of the time, Smith repeatedly used his bill promoting offshore windmills to convince people in his district that he opposed off shore windmills. It would appear that exactly none of Smith’s supporters ever read the bill. Smith is now free to once again use his office to direct taxpayer money into “non-profits” that pay…David Brock Smith. Really, who would have guessed?

But no race promises to have the impact of the reemergence of failed governor candidate Christine Drazan.  It’s hard to imagine a legislator who did more damage to the state and the party image than Drazan. As Republican House Leader Drazan voted time after time to zip tie the police during Oregon’s riot season. She celebrated the conviction of Derek Chauvin in the death of felon drug addict George Floyd, voted twice to put tampons in kindergarten boy’s bathrooms, changed the state song lyrics because they included the words “free men” and protected a Kotek staffer who was arrested at one of Portland’s nightly mostly peaceful protests. 

Drazan’s humiliating “deal” with then Speaker Kotek  (which of course Kotek reneged on) was the most absurd of her capitulations but in the end, money talks.  Now she’s back having defeated the sitting Republican, James Hieb, and spending a boatload of lobby money.  It was “her” seat after all and no mere combat wounded Marine veteran with principles was going to stand in her way.

Drazan’s obsessive lust for attention virtually guarantees that she will once again attempt to claw her way to the Leader’s position and, given the makeup of the House Republican Caucus, likely succeed.  Drazan will no doubt see current leader Jeff Helfrich as a minor speed bump in her quest to return to her role as the mastermind of Republican surrender while hilariously selling herself as a “fighter.”  We suspect that the left over supply of “Jingle Jeff’s” Christmas campaign merch will be going for bargain prices as Drazan storms into the Capitol to retake the seat she knows “belongs to her” and once again leads the House Republicans to embarrassing defeats in the loving name of “bipartisanship.”
But at least now she won’t get smacked around by Speaker Tina Kotek. Now she’ll get smacked around by Speaker Julie Fahey.

Buckle up folks, the surrenders are coming.

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This Is Just Sick

Just Plain Revolting



We fully expect every election campaign to be a bare knuckles brawl, but some people go beyond what even we could imagine.

We have told you about the newly created “Gun Rights” PAC that was invented to give Christine Goodwin the illusion of gun owner support.

This was a group she claimed an endorsement from before they even existed. Then, only after she claimed their “endorsement,” did they appear as a PAC.

The “organization” consists of two people. The son of failed Republican Senate Leader Tim Knopp, and a staffer for Vikki Iverson.  While claiming they will support and help elect pro-gun candidates, their only transaction so far has been… to themselves.

Their webpage has a long list of candidates they  “endorse” but every candidate we have spoken to has disavowed them and one even demanded his name be removed.  The group refused.

The only candidates we know of who are embracing Knopp’s “PAC” are Goodwin and David Brock Smith.

Both are also boasting of their endorsement by a group called “Oregon Gun Owners.” 

If you don’t know who “Oregon Gun Owners” are, here is the short version.  They are a wholly owned subsidiary of PACWEST Communications, a hired-gun corporate lobby firm.  Their list of accomplishments lately have been basically none, but if you go back a while you will see that “Oregon Gun Owners” helped draft and promote HB 2535, Kevin Mannix’s 1999 bill to ban private sales at gun shows.  When that failed they even attempted a ballot measure to do the same thing.  That failed as well.

While recently virtually the only “donations”  “Oregon Gun Owners” have made have been payments to their bookkeeper and, surprise….PACWEST Communications, a check on their past shows they have donated to anti-gun extremists like Floyd Prozanski and Peter Courtney.

It’s unclear exactly how someone gets an “endorsement” from a group owned by a corporate, for hire, lobby group, but clearly it’s not because you have been pro-gun.

But as much of a charade as these supposed “pro-gun” organizations are, they pale in comparison to a recent vile, disgusting, and plainly false mailer recently sent out by Vikki Iverson on behalf of her pal Goodwin viciously attacking fellow Republican Noah Robinson.

We almost hesitate to share it, it is that grotesque. And certainly if Goodwin and the Iversons crawled into the gutter they would be stepping up. But a picture is worth a thousand air sickness bags.

In the upper left the headline screams “Robinson Ran as A Democrat in 2012”.  But while this is a deceitful hit piece on Noah Robinson, the person noted on the flyer is not even Noah.

The upper right corner has an arial photo of the Robinson’s property with the absurd text “WHAT HAPPENS INSIDE THIS COMPOUND?”  That nonsense, of course, was pulled directly from the mouths of lying leftists. But, so we can illuminate things for the Iverson’s and Goodwin, we’ll tell you what goes on. Because it just so happens we know.

What goes on very often is the creation of thousands of campaign signs for conservative causes and candidates at rates way too low for the Robinsons to be making much.  They provided all our signs in the fight against Ballot Measure 114 and at a ridiculously low price.  If Goodwin and her cronies the Iversons don’t know that they might want to crawl up out of their mud holes and take a look around. This ain’t news.

Further down the flyer claims Robinson was “Sued By State Of Oregon For Not Paying His Taxes.” This is another blatant and disgusting lie told by desperate hacks trying to cling to power.  In fact, Noah has made it clear that he OVERPAID his taxes that year and the state sent him a refund. 

To the right of that lie is a screenshot of the Legislature’s page with the contact info for Senators Brian Boquist and Noah’s father, Art Robinson.  The image attempts to make it appear that Art is not a Republican. (And Art is not even running for this election, Noah is.). But notice how these hacks used a separate screen shot to cover up Art’s party affiliation. Here is what the page actually looks like.

The bottom of the piece may be most indicative of just how despicable and desperate these people are. It shows a photo of Art Robinson, a decent and committed man, snapped in the most unflattering moment they could find from a legislative video.  We would say these people are disgraceful but that would elevate them.

Not to be outdone, friends of Brock Smith, who also proudly boasts of “endorsements” from Oregon Gun Owners and the vaporous “Gun Rights First” Pac, are soliciting volunteers for “ballot harvesting” (their words.) In a move straight out of the Marxist playbook, Smith and other “Republican” candidates, are “harvesting ballots” at an ASSISTED LIVING CENTER! The payoff to the folks who help? Root beer and ice cream floats. Do you suppose the folks whose living is being assisted will be getting any “assistance” in picking out candidates?

While it’s interesting that candidates who never lifted a finger to protect gun rights are desperate to appear to have the support of gun rights organizations, voters deserve to know what’s really happening in our elections. And it’s not pretty.

Do nothing organizations have long sought to cash in on the generosity and commitment of gun owners.  And often they are quite successful.

Don’t fall for it here. 

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Don’t Let The Lobby Decide.

Don’t Let The “Lobby” Decide.

Ballots are out. If you have already voted, thanks for taking part in this election, as frustrating and pointless as it may seem.

If you have not yet voted, please don’t let your voice go unheard.

As we have noted recently, OFF’s Political Action Committee found very few candidates worth endorsing this year.

However, there are some candidates we are urging you to support if you live in their districts. These are the candidates of the people and not the candidates of the corporate lobbyists who buy elections to maintain the status quo and their grip on legislation.

The lobby’s main interest is making sure the legislature continues to do their bidding uninterrupted. As a result you can bet they will always support candidates who don’t rock the boat.  But right now the boat of Oregon is the Titanic and it’s steaming full speed towards an iceberg.

Some of the strongest voices for our rights have been silenced by Republican “leadership’s” sellout to the Democrat bullies.  Because they stood tall they cannot run for office again.  But, at least in some cases, you can still vote to continue their dedication to principle, and against their paid-for opponents.

In Senate District 1 you can vote for Todd Vaughn and against David Brock Smith.

While some Senators risked their political futures by standing up and walking out, Smith sat on the Senate Floor day after day to do the bidding of the Democrats.  His goal? Protect his seat and his ability to funnel taxpayer money into his own pocket. And while Smith hilariously crows about his NRA endorsement, we all know what a joke that is. His touting of an endorsement from “Oregon Gun Rights” is equally absurd.

It was the actions of people like Smith that helped the Democrats steal even more of your personal liberty.

Smith showed how out of touch he is with his constituents by twice voting to put tampons in kindergartner boy’s bathrooms and then denying it.

Smith has demonstrated he is there to follow orders of the party in power and he really must go.

In Senate District 2, Senator Art Robinson stood up for your rights and helped deny quorum.

Then, of course, after walking out for you and ending his political tenure, the Senate Republican leader rolled over to the Democrats and gave them everything they wanted.  Robinson’s sacrifice meant nothing to the inside players who run the show on both sides of the aisle.  But you have a chance to keep Art’s principles and spirit fighting for you in Salem by voting for his son Noah who has been working with Art daily at the legislature and shares his passion, commitment, and values. 

Noah’s Republican opponent is Christine Goodwin who saw the principled actions of Robinson as the perfect chance to move up from the House to the Senate.  Goodwin, you will recall, was the lucky recipient of an “endorsement” from a “pro-gun” organization created solely to give her the appearance of gun owner’s support. That “organization” consists of two people; the former Senate Republican “leader’s” son and a staffer for House Rep and sell-out former Republican “leader” Vikki Iverson.

Now it what can only be seen as a total desperation, Goodwin is texting this bizarre ad for herself.  We are sure Donald is thrilled at this endorsement and no doubt it will take his race for president over the top…

Senate District 28 is also losing one of the most dedicated defenders of gun rights because of his dedication to protecting them. 

Senator Dennis Linthicum has also been stripped of his ability to seek his seat again and voters in his district have been robbed of their right to vote for the candidate of their choice.  But Dennis’s wife Diane has filed to run and that means voters can turn the tables on the Democrats and elect a person of integrity who will continue to stand up for the principles Dennis has fought for.  We believe Diane will continue to take the tough stands for your rights.  We cannot say that about her opponent.

And of course, no contest is more a race between the people and the lobby than the election in House District 51 where lobby darling and establishment suck-up, Christine Drazan, is trying to “regain” “her” seat from incumbent Republican James Hieb.

Hieb is certainly not an establishment stooge.  If Drazan manages to buy her way back into that seat the damage she is capable of is incalculable.  Please support Hieb if you live in the 51st District in Clackamas County.

The lobby, and their money, have made their picks.  We urge you to vote for the people who care more about you than lobby money. 

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It’s All Theater

When you check your Oregon Voter Pamphlet for the races for judges for the Oregon Supreme Court and the Oregon Court of Appeals you’ll note that your choices are.. wait, there are no choices.

Much like any third world, socialist, hell hole, Oregon gives you the choice to vote for exactly one candidate.

Most Oregon judges are appointed because most Oregon Judges (oddly) retire before their term is up meaning they have to be replaced,  not by the people, but by the Governor.

Then, they are the “incumbent” and lawyers rarely run against them for fear of retribution should they wind up in their courtroom.  When the merry go round completes another revolution that judge retires early and his replacement is…picked by the governor.  

Rinse and repeat.

Judges are the only offices that are noted on your ballot as “incumbents.”  What a coincidence.

Every single “candidate” for the Oregon Supreme Court and the Oregon Court of Appeals is already on the court. In no case do you have a choice. You may vote for whomever you like as long as it is the only candidate running.

While this is a terrible system, one “race” is particularly troubling.  The coronation for Appeals Court Judge Position 6.  There your “choice” is…Jim Egan. (See “non partisan candidates”) And that should send chills up your spine if you still have any shred of faith in Oregon’s Judicial System.

Egan, you may recall, was the “judge” who declared gun owners to be racist, anti-semitic, white supremacists in an unhinged rant against the people’s vote to create a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary in Columbia County. 

You can read his entire demented screed here.

Egan is unfit to appear in a courtroom let alone serve as a judge. His mindless hatred for law abiding Americans disqualifies him from any job that requires a measure of impartiality. In spite of his clear bigotry against gun owners, he has refused to recuse himself from the appeal of the Measure 114 injunction. And that, like the entire system, is a disgrace.

This hateful bigot is going to win re-election because the dice are loaded.  But you don’t have to participate.

In this election we suggest you write in our attorney Tyler Smith, who Egan directed his mindless attacks against.

A small gesture in a game that’s rigged. But a gesture non-the-less.



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For decades the NRA has used their candidate ratings to promote anti-gun candidates.

They promoted John McCain while he was running anti-gun commercials in 2000.

They supported Kurt Schrader and Harry Reid while they worked on gun control bills, and now, in their latest embarrassment, they have endorsed, and given an “A” rating, to House Rep Charlie Conrad.

While, with very few exceptions, we have no use for any current Oregon House Reps, an endorsement of Conrad is a direct slap in the face to NRA members and anyone who values their rights and freedoms.

Conrad was one of only two Republicans to vote in favor of Dacia Grayber’s bill to entrap lawful gun owners while protecting left wing rioters.  We did the research. We exposed who was behind this outrageous attack on the Second Amendment and your freedom to assemble. Any fool could see what this bill was about.  But Conrad and House Rep Kevin Mannix joined the far left and helped pass it.

Mannix has been promoting gun control for 25 years so his vote was to be expected. Charlie Conrad is new at this. His votes have been so egregious his own county party has demanded he resign.

What in the world is NRA thinking?  Well, they also endorsed Vikki Breese Iverson who was the Republican House Leader when they folded and handed a gun control victory to the Democrats with HB 2005. Iverson then orchestrated a bogus photo op on the Capitol steps with a giant fake check for $25,000.00 which they said was for a lawsuit against the bill they helped pass.  Needless to say, that lawsuit never materialized and now the Republicans ain’t talking about it.

They also gave Christine Drazan and “A-“ in spite of her votes to protect antifa and her refusal to stop anti-gun bills when she was House Republican Leader.

Not to be outdone in the Senate, they gave an “A” and an endorsement to David Brock Smith, who not only sent insulting  emails to voters questioning why he voted twice to place tampons in the bathrooms of little boys (and then lied about those votes) but also remained on the Senate floor to help pass Democrat gun control bills while more principled senators walked out at the expense of their political futures.

And now to add to the absurdity of this election, we have Reagan Knopp, Senator Tim Knopp’s son, bragging on Twitter about the farcical “gun organization” he created with the help of Vikki Breese Iverson’s staffer to promote his political allies.

You will recall this “organization” of two could not even quote the Second Amendment correctly.

This election will no doubt saddle us with more go-along-to-get-along frauds.  Vote with care and if your only choice is a weak and compromising incumbent, write in someone you respect.