As soon as Oregon House Republicans helped pass HB 2005, the ban on possession of personally made firearms, they comically and theatrically appeared on the Capitol steps with a giant fake check claiming that they would be funding a lawsuit against the bill they just help pass.
As with most politician’s promises, this one was quickly forgotten.
So now countless Oregon gun owners who, perfectly legally, manufactured their own personal firearms, could face felony charges.
But while Oregon’s House Republicans may be committed to carrying water for the anti-gun Democrats, we’re happy to announce that Oregon Firearms Federation has joined with our friends at Firearms Policy Coalition to challenge this disgraceful attack in Federal Court.
For decades OFF as encouraged and relied upon grassroots gun owner activism to protect our rights in the legislature. But as the House Republicans, and many in the Senate, have become nothing more than yes-men to the Democrats, we have had no choice but to move our fights from the legislature to the courtroom. We wish it were not so, but for now, it’s the hand we have been dealt.
Oregon’s elected officials from both parties are determined to strip Oregonians of their Second Amendment Rights as sure as they are determined to encourage violent criminal behavior. We have no choice but to go around them.
We are no fans of Federal Courts in Oregon, but that is where the battle is.
You can view a copy of the complaint here.
Oregon’s House Republicans pulled a “bait and switch” and extorted money from their members with a false promise of funding a lawsuit against the bill they helped pass. Since then they have pretended it never happened and just don’t want to talk about it.
They have our address if they want to actually keep their word. In the meantime, we’ll just have to rely on people who do keep their word. Our supporters.
If you would like to help us win this latest court battle, you can do so here. Donations to the Oregon Firearms Educational Foundation, which pays for our lawsuits, are tax deductible.
We want to express our gratitude to the Firearms Policy Coalition for being a national leader in these fights.