Today, the six Senate Republicans who aided passage of SB 554 yesterday, went all the way and helped Democrats pass the bill on the floor.
Republican Senator Bill Hansell, one of the “gang of six” read the headline from our previous alert on the floor, and claimed that Senator Courtney was talking about a “sports team” when he said on a hot mic “they’re gonna get crushed.” He called OFF “despicable” and was joined in that assessment by Senator Floyd Prozanski. For the record, here is exactly what the headline said:
“I see Hansell out here, they’re gonna get crushed.”
Senate President Peter Courtney in an unintentional “hot mic” moment at the start of today’s Senate Floor session.
We don’t know to whom he was referring. But it sure wasn’t Democrats.
That was the 100% true and accurate headline that Hansell claimed was false and despicable. The six Republicans then remained on the floor to ensure the Democrats had the quorum they needed to ram through this dangerous and bigoted bill on the law abiding CHL holders of Oregon.
As you know the public has been locked out of the building and has no input into these floor sessions. The only access the people have to these proceedings is a video feed that was shut off at a critical time in the process. The legislative reporting system actually reported that bill had passed hours before the vote was held and showed it being “carried” by a Senator who not only opposed the bill, but was not even on the floor for the vote. The House already showed the bill being scheduled before the bill had even been voted for on the Senate floor.
The bill now goes to the House Floor where the Democrats also have a super majority. At this point, the House Republicans, having agreed to a rule that fines them if they walk off the floor, are unlikely to make any effort to stop the bill.
There are numerous other anti-gun bills moving through the legislature.
The following 6 Republican Senators have now all but guaranteed that CHL holders who go too close to a public building will face 5 years in prison.
Party: Republican Capitol Phone: 503-986-1705 |
Party: Republican Capitol Phone: 503-986-1730 |
Party: Republican Capitol Phone: 503-986-1709 |
Party: Republican Capitol Phone: 503-986-1729 |
Party: Republican Capitol Phone: 503-986-1720 |
Party: Republican Capitol Phone: 503-986-1727 |