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If you have not already reserved your moving truck it’s time to vote.

By now you should have your ballots. (And, as we are learning, some lucky people get more than one.)

We have had the results of our candidate surveys up on our website for some time. In case you missed our April 4th alert, you can see them here. .

There have been some updates since they were first published.

There is no question that Oregon is facing monstrous challenges and at a time when we need real leadership in Salem, most incumbent Republicans seem far more interested in pleasing the ruling party than standing up for your rights.

So, while in many cases the choices are limited, we encourage you to be engaged and involved.

There are many races that don’t get the attention they deserve but really do matter. For example, once again we see large money from the far left attempting to sway DA races. We cannot overstate how dangerous it would be to elect more leftist District Attorneys like Mike Schmidt in Multnomah County.  The damage he has done is incalculable.

OFF does not have recommendations for all races. However we have suggestions in several.

In Josephine County we recommend John West for County Commissioner.

In Jackson County we support Colleen Roberts and Rick Dyer  for County Commission,

In Clackamas County OFF is supporting Dana Hindman-Allen for County Commissioner Position 5.

In Yamhill County Mary Starrett has been an outspoken voice for gun owners and should be re-elected to the Yamhill County Commission.

For Bureau of Labor and Industries we strongly urge against a vote for Cheri Helt or Casey Kulla, both of whom are vocal opponents of the Second Amendment.

In Congressional District 4 OFF recommends Alex Skarlatos

In Congressional District 5 OFF has endorsed Jimmy Crumpacker.

In Congressional District 6 Amy Ryan Courser has been a consistent supporter of Second Amendment rights, while Ron Noble regularly voted with the gun grabbers in Salem to promote their leftist agenda.

For US Senate both Sam Palmer and Darrin Harbick are strong supporters of gun rights and would be good choices to replace Ron Wyden who is long past his expiration date.

OFF has endorsed Marc Thielman for Governor. Your opinions may vary from ours. But whatever they are, please vote.