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The Clock Is Ticking


Ballots will be arriving soon. We wanted to give you an update on Mz 114 and our efforts to defeat it.

Currently we have radio ads running in most parts of the state. Our thanks go out to Sheriff Brad Lohrey for his help on one ad, and Damian Bunting for producing the second one. (You can see the video from Damian’s ad here.) Our efforts to buy time to run his video on digital platforms were turned down. So we are running it as a radio ad.

The Stop114 committee produced and distributed thousands of “No on 114” signs around the state.  Thank you to everyone who requested one. We are sorry we could not fill every request.

We have too many volunteers to thank for their efforts getting those signs transported, distributed and placed. After this is behind us we hope to be able to thank each one individually.  And for everyone who just took action themselves, getting the word out, producing and distributing their own signs and buying ad time, we can’t thank you enough.

At this point we have completed two “endorsement interviews.” These were basically debates at Willamette Week and the Oregonian.

As of today we have seen no articles or the video from the Willamette Week* interview but you can see the Oregonian debate here;

The follow up article is available here

We have not seen either paper actually take a position yet. But it is interesting to note that this measure is so extreme even the Democrat Party refuses to endorse it. And for that you can thank some diehard Democrats who refused to be bullied by the extreme left and insisted on sharing the truth.

As you might expect, other cartel media outlets have endorsed it and it will come as no surprise that proponents are lying about the measure every chance they get, including in voter pamphlet statements.  There ought to be a law…

But the fun is not over yet.  On October 21st OFF will be debating the proponents of this measure at the Portland City Club. Oregon Firearms director Kevin Starrett will debate Deschutes County DA John Hummel and NAACP’s Eugene President Miles Pendleton.

Hummel, by the way, has his name attached to one of the voter guide arguments that contains a blatant lie. No surprise there.

Hummel has made the hilarious and preposterous claim that the live fire requirement in the measure can be satisfied by pretending to shoot a gun. No, really. And this guy prosecutes people. (Unless those people make false allegations against gun owners and then he protects them. Look up the outrageous case of what happened to Shane Morgan in Bend after being falsely accused.)

In the Oregonian interview Hummel claimed the measure was “perfect” even though the people who drafted it and promoted it have repeatedly admitted it has to be “fixed” by the legislature. Even though it is so badly written that it refers to Oregon statues that do not exist. And even though one of its drafters has admitted that not only does she know nothing about firearms, she also admits to having irrational fears of them. (An admission she made while serving on the committee that drafted the “explanatory statement” for the measure ironically enough.)

Pendleton, the NAACP President, has repeatedly stated that he does not believe people should go to prison for committing crimes. Most recently he shared that position in the Oregonian interview. Of course, while Measure 114 does create a whole new category of crimes, and it does make criminals out of good (formerly) law abiding Oregonians, it does not contain one single word about actually punishing people who commit crimes. But none of the laws attacking gun ownership ever do.

Missing from the Portland City Club debate will be Mark Knutson, the fraud in vestments who poses as a man of faith while pushing a measure that will publish the names and addresses of rape victims. This is a disappointment. We’d love to have the opportunity to expose this creep again.

Knutson likes to start his speeches talking about the army of volunteers who helped get the measure on the ballot. He never mentions the almost $200,000.00 dollars he spent on paid signature gatherers who lied to people to get them to sign the measure. He also does not talk about the hundreds of thousands of dollars they have received from Kate Brown, the ACLU, Gabby Giffords, the Oregon Education Association, Nurses United etc. The National Eduction Association threw in half a million.

As you can imagine, we were not exactly competitive in the fund raising department. 

The Portland City Club Debate will be on ZOOM.

If you would like to watch it, the City Club has provided this link.

Here is the flyer they provided for it.  Ok, they are not graphic artists. We’re not judging…











KQEN interview.

Please visit and share and thank you for all you are doing.

*UPDATE  Willamette Week has endorsed the measure.

Video of the interview can be viewed here.