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Five Years In Prison For Giving a Gun to Your Best Friend


We now have the draft of Floyd Prozanski’s promised anti-rights bill.This bill is intended to expand the failed background check system to guns you give to your best friend, your great-grandson or even your cousin!Punishment for doing this without “permission” from the State Police (who routinely delay and deny without justification) can get you a possible 5 years in the slammer and a fine of $125,000.00!

And these people call us “extremists.”

The proponents of this nonsense like to brag about how many people were denied gun purchases through dealers and offer this as “proof” that the system is “working.”  Nowhere do they address all the people who are denied without justification. Nowhere do they address that when real prohibited persons are “denied” they simply leave the store and buy or steal guns elsewhere.

Nowhere do they address that this bill will do nothing to change that. They don’t address that it is nearly unenforceable except against good people who may accidentally run afoul of this absurd mandate.

Nowhere do they address the reality that the State Police have shut down background checks altogether when their “systems were down,” meaning that no transfers could take place, or the fact that all transfers could be ended by simply closing down the background check system for as long as the State Police or the politicians want.

Make no mistake, this is the bill the anti-gun militants and Michael Bloomberg want to create the list they need for confiscation. Don’t believe it? Look at the news from New York where lists of guns have been used to confiscate them from the very people whoOBEYED the law!

We must stop this now.

Contact info for the entire Senate Judiciary Committee is here.

Individual contact info and a sample message follow:

Senator Floyd Prozanski
Democrat – District 4 – South Lane and North Douglas Counties
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1704   District Phone: 541-342-2447

Senator Betsy Close
Republican – District 8 – Albany
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1708
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, S-303, Salem, Oregon 97301

Senator Michael Dembrow
Democrat – District 23 – Portland
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1723    District Phone: 503-281-0608
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, S-407, Salem, Oregon 97301

Senator Jeff Kruse
Republican – District 1 – Roseburg
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1701   District Phone: 541-580-3276
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, S-315, Salem, Oregon 97301

Senator Arnie Roblan
Democrat – District 5 – Coos Bay
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1705
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, S-417, Salem, Oregon 97301


Dear Senator,

The current background check system for gun purchases is a total failure. Qualified buyers are often delayed and denied. I strongly urge you to reject any expansion of this failed system to private transfers.

We have seen how these policies lead to confiscations as they have in New York and now California.

Vote against any restrictions on private transfers.


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Santa Claus Is Coming to Town. So Is Michael Bloomberg.

In addition to death and taxes, there is one more thing you can count on, attempts at new gun restrictions, and now, a billionaire to help push a liberty smashing agenda.

This February, the Oregon Legislature will have its “even year” short session.

Annual sessions were sold to Oregonians as a way to deal with the budget, which our legislature simply could not handle when they met every two years. But they never restricted the new, even-year sessions to just budget issues, so now anything is game in a compressed session where things are raced through and no one reads the bills.

Furious that they were defeated in the last full session, Senate Democrats have vowed to bring gun control back in 2014. And this time they’ll have a boatload of money from soon-to-be “ex” New York Mayor, Michael Bloomberg.

Not satisfied to have turned New York into both a police and a nanny state, Bloomberg has vowed to use his billions to spread his anti-rights policies from coast to coast, and Oregon is officially in his sights.

His organization “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” is infamous for having members who are criminals  and for using taxpayer money to promote Bloomberg’s Nazi-style gun laws.

MAIG even listed one of the Boston Bombers as a “victim of gun violence!

And now Bloomberg is heading our way.  The Senate Democrats have promised to re-introduce “universal background checks” and guaranteed a floor vote this time.

What “universal background checks” are is the next step towards universal gun registration and the eventual confiscation of those registered guns, just as is happening now in New York.  It’s also a mandate that every firearms transfer require the “permission” of the civilian staffers at the Oregon State Police ID unit, the same staffers who routinely deny or delay legitimate transfers, lie to dealers and buyers about the law in an effort to intimidate people, and disclose private information in direct violation of Oregon statute!

If Bloomberg has his way, the delays and bureaucratic bungling, now so common with transfers from dealers, will apply to a gun you want to give to your nephew or best friend!

And that’s just the beginning. These very same “background check” records will be the foundation for the list of guns to be banned and confiscated “New York” style. If you think that’s an exaggeration, remember, last session anti-gun Oregon legislators introduced legislation to ban virtually all modern firearms and allow warrantless searches of your home!

We have no doubts there will be many other anti-gun bills coming in February as well, and Bloomberg has already got his hired guns lined up to push them.

Bloomberg has hired lobbyists Len Bergstein and Seth Prickett to help eliminate your gun rights. (Their other “clients” include Clearview MRI, Zoomcare and Oregon Restaurant Services.)  They will have no shortage of money to make media buys and grease anti-gun politicians.

There are only a few explanations for why the Senate Democrats are promising the floor vote they refused to have last session. Since the Senate has the same number of anti-gunners as it did this past session, they must either believe it would be good to vote even if they lose ( this is the less likely possibility)  or they believe they have “flipped” the one vote they were short last session.

While it would be easy to assume that the one vote is Betsy Johnson, the only pro-gun Democrat in the Senate, we cannot take for granted that it’s not a wavering Republican and nothing has happened that would lead anyone to believe that Johnson has been pressured enough to sell out, she is a gun owner herself.

No matter what, we have to be ready.

It’s essential that you and I are prepared to move to counter their certain attacks. We cannot let an out-of-state billionaire extort our rights from us.

You can support our efforts and save on your tax bill by making a donation to our Political Action Committee. For all of you who already have, we thank you.

If you want to take advantage of the PAC tax credit, which means your donation could cost you nothing, please note we need to receive your donation before the end of the year.

You can make a safe donation online here. Be sure to use the drop down menu to designate your contribution to the PAC so you are assured of the tax credit.

If you prefer you may send a check to OFFPAC at Box 556, Canby OR 97013 but we must receive your donation before 12.31.13, so don’t wait.

We are going to have quite a battle in February, but with your help we will win again.

Thanks, and Merry Christmas.