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We’re Having A Party


Well, we’re  not really having it, but our friends are and you’re invited.

As you know, the City of Ashland is considering Portland style restrictions on gun owners. In spite of the fact that “open carry” has never been an issue there, the City Council is preparing to bow to the pressure of a small group of malcontents who would feel safer and be less offended if all firearms were hidden from view and good people were prohibited from protecting themselves.

Despite the fact that the proposed ordinances would not in any way affect CHL holders and despite the fact that those without CHL’s could still openly carry firearms if they were unloaded, some folks are just always looking for a way to attack your rights. They’re not doing it to stop crime. They’re not doing it because there is any kind of problem in Ashland. They’re just doing it because they think they can.

But not everyone in Ashland is so mindlessly fearful and many are stepping up to respond to this pointless attack.They’ve asked us to reach out to you and invite you to an “Open Carry” day in Ashland on March 29th.

It’s not a rally, it’s just an opportunity for people who believe in liberty to get together, meet, and enjoy the company of other patriots. There will be food (free!) and an opportunity to sign their pro-gun petition. You can drop off a donation of  food for the Ashland Food Bank.

You can download all the details here Ashland Open Day 29th.

Whether you can make it or not our friends in Ashland ask that you drop one more note to the City Council  expressing your views on their proposed ordinance.

Please take a moment to like the Ashland activists’ brand new Facebook page and visit their webpage.

This event is intended to be a opportunity to make friends  and promote freedom.  Remember, “open carry” is not just a way of making a statement. For some, it’s their only option to stay safe. Would you want your 20 year old daughter denied the right to protect herself because of the baseless fears of a few ignorant people?

Come on out, join the fun,and say “no” to disarming the good guys.

Sample message follows to the City Council follows.

_______________________________________To the Ashland City Council,Please vote no on any ordinance that denies people the ability to stay safe while in your city.

Banning “loaded carry” in Ashland will have no effect on crime. But it will deny many people the right to defend themselves.

I urge you to keep Ashland safe. Vote “no” on restricting the rights of gun owners.

