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Memorial Day. 2023

Memorial Day 2023




In honor of all who gave their lives for this country, we offer our deepest respects to those who have fallen and their families.

In the midst of the travel and celebrations, we will never lose sight of their sacrifices. 

We pray that our country can live up to those sacrifices even as our state sinks further into a disrespectful and despotic shell of what it once was.

Today, Senate President Wagner open and closed a floor session in five minutes. It was purely a formality and no attendance was taken.

The side show will continue on Tuesday.

Senate Bill 348, is now in the Public Safety Subcommittee of the Joint Ways and Means Committee.

It is scheduled for a work session on May 31st at 3PM.

No public testimony is taken at work sessions but you can use the link above to watch it.

SB 348 is Floyd Prozanski’s personal attack on Oregon’s law abiding gun owners. It takes all the worst provisions of MZ 114 and makes them far worse.  Prozanski is a tortured neurotic whose personal demons have lead him to fixate on protecting criminals and victimizing anyone who would actually protect a loved one.

Every single element of 348 is intended to punish people for being willing to take responsibility for the safety of the themselves and their families.

It’s a sad commentary on Prozanski and his Democrat cohorts.  But, at this point it seems unlikely that it will go anywhere.

Keep an eye on it for last minute amendments, but unlike the Republicans in the Oregon House who seem determined to help the Democrats pass every single deranged bill they can dream up, and sometimes even top them for stupidity, for now, most of the Republicans in the Senate are standing firm at great personal risk. Since 348 has not yet been voted on in the Senate its chances this session are quite slim.

Once again, we thank the Senate Republicans for setting an example of what character means. And we wish you and yours a blessed and safe Memorial Day.