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The Bill We Warned You About


As we warned you several times, the Oregon Democrats have taken a short, one page “place holder” bill and turned it into a 64 page re-write of gun laws.

The bill is a complete re-write of Measure 114.

We will be analyzing the amendments  and updating you as soon as possible, but you can read it all for yourself here:

The invited only “informational hearing” is Monday at 1PM.  We have no idea who will be invited but we expect the hearing to make sure as little “information” as possible will be presented.

A “public” hearing will follow at 5pm.

If you want to sign up to testify, or if you want to submit written testimony, there are links at the top of this page to do so:

Obviously the short notice is designed to give you as little time as possible to analyze this monster or prepare a response.  You can rest assured the anti-gun crowd was given this long in advance as usual.

It’s the Oregon way.