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Maybe Target Really Is A Good Name For That Place


As you know, Target Stores have decided they do not want anyone to come into their stores with a firearm.

Persons who have contacted Target to express their displeasure with this foolish and dangerous policy have received the following email:


Hello ,
Thank you for reaching out to us. 

 We’ve listened carefully to the nuances of this debate and respect the protected rights of everyone involved.

 Target’s approach has always been to follow the local laws, and we continue to do so. In return, we respectfully request guests not bring firearms into Target stores – even in communities where it is permitted by law.

 This is a complicated issue, but it boils down to a simple belief:  Bringing firearms to Target creates an environment that is at odds with the family-friendly shopping and work experience we strive to create.

 We’ll share your viewpoint with Target leaders.


 The Target team


We want to thank an OFF supporter who forwarded the following links which demonstrate that Target really is a target and their policy of excluding gun owners is a great reason to shop elsewhere.

Richmond, CA

Apex, NC

Miami-Dade, FL

Aurora, CO

Owensboro, KY

Apex, NC

Some folks who sent emails opposing this ludicrous policy have received the above email but in place of “We’ll share your viewpoint with Target leaders”  were told “Thank you for support on our position.”   So it seems like in addition to being unable to keep their customers’ data safe, and keep their stores from being shooting galleries…they can’t read.

By the way,Fred Meyer Stores actually contribute to the Oregon Firearms Educational Foundation.