01.13.14On December 27th we warned you about a petition that was being circulated in Ashland encouraging Portland-style (and probably illegal) anti-gun ordinances.We have now been reliably informed that the Ashland City Council plans to actually consider some of these new restrictions.While right now the City Council website has no listing, we have been told to expect preliminary hearings on these restrictions on Feb 3. We do not yet have a time for the meetings; however, you can keep an eye on things at the Council’s website.
We have been told that at least one council member, Carol Voisin, has expressed support for these new attacks on the rights of law-abiding gun owners.
Whether you live in the Ashland area or not, it would be wise to let the Council know you oppose these measures. Let them know that no matter where you live, you are free to spend your money elsewhere, and that by enacting rules that violate state law, they are opening themselves up to costly litigation.
A contact link for the Council and a suggested cut and paste message follow.
Ashland City Council email page.
To the Ashland City Council:
I strongly object to any proposed ordinance that creates or expands restrictions on law-abiding gun owners in Ashland.Not only do you risk running afoul of Oregon’s preemption statute and exposing yourself to costly litigation, but you send a message to the most law-abiding segment of our society that they should visit and spend money elsewhere.
I urge you not to consider any new restriction on gun owners.
You might also consider a letter to the editor:
Mail Tribune & Daily Tidings
P.O. Box 1108
111 N. Fir St.
Medford, OR 97501