Today, Judge Adrienne Nelson, denied our request for a restraining order to delay the implementation of HB 2005, the bill banning the ownership of privately made firearms.
A brief review of her decision will display a determined effort to avoid both common sense and an understanding of plain English. But it will also display the dangers of our side playing their game and accepting limitations the founders never imagined.
The Second Amendment is not complicated, does not prevent Americans from owning firearms appropriate for combat or ban any item that is misused by criminals. But once again, both sides of Oregon’s legislative aisle have worked together to punish the people they were elected to serve.
HB 2005 will turn thousands of law abiding Oregonians into criminals and perpetuate the bigoted myth that innovative and talented people have criminal intent because they like to make things themselves. The incessant urge of Oregon lawmakers to subjugate the people is truly insatiable and Oregon’s judges’ blatant and arrogant disregard for the clear dictates of the Supreme Court is chilling.
It will come as no surprise that Judge Nelson was a Kate Brown appointee elevated to the Federal Court by the soon-to-be-removed Joe Biden.
So what does this mean for people who own personally manufactured firearms? It’s impossible to say.
While the politicians and their rubber stamp parrots in the media insist that this simply requires that you have a serial number added to a firearm or unfinished part you own, the reality is that it’s not that simple. It is completely unclear how anyone would go about doing this. The serial number cannot be affixed by the person who constructed the firearm. Only “a federally licensed firearm manufacturer, importer or dealer, or a gunsmith with a federal firearms license, in accordance with federal law”.
While the law is so poorly written that no one really knows how to comply with it, the bigger problem is that people who do choose to obey one more outrageous and unconstitutional attack on their rights, (like bumpstock bans and pistol brace bans) really have no way to comply.
Although the bill allows an authorized person to take these newly illegal items into their possession to apply a number, it’s still illegal for the owner to have it in the first place. And if a person were to make one now, it would be illegal for them to create it even if they intended to have a number applied to it.
The criminal penalties take effect Sept 1. We do not have any information on who is willing to apply serial numbers to firearms they did not make. We do not have any opinions we trust on what people can do to avoid legal jeopardy. We do know that all of this could have been avoided if the members of the Republican House Caucus under the failed “leadership” of Vikki Iverson had simply done their jobs and said “no.”
Next steps are being discussed. We will keep you posted.