Tomorrow is the last day to register to vote in the May Primary elections. If you are not registered, are not sure if you are registered, or are not registered in a political party, please visit this site right away. You simply cannot sit this one out.
The other side will do anything to get their vote out, anything. We must get our people to fill in their ballots and protect our rights.
While there are some uncontested primaries, there are many contested ones as well and they are important races.
We have updated our Candidate Ratings and encourage you to make use of them. If the candidates in your district have not responded, you should ask them to do so. Keep checking back as the election gets closer as we will continue to update the ratings as late responses come in.
There are some great people running in contested primaries. People like Kathy Lamberg in the 14th House District and Mike Nearman in the 23rd House District.
In Oregon’s 5th Congressional District, currently held by Democrat Kurt Schrader, all the Republican Candidates have expressed pro-gun positions, but we feel the strongest is Colm Willis.
Your vote matters. Your rights hang in the balance. Please take action this election and remember, Oregon Firearms Federation Political Action Committee has been able to help good candidates in the past because of your generous support.
If you have not already done so, please consider a donation to OFFPAC so we can continue to help solid pro-gun candidates. Your donation may qualify for a tax credit and could cost you nothing. Please see this page for more information.
To make a contribution use this link and be sure to pick “Political Action Committee” from the “Donation Category” drop down menu. We are facing billionaire opponents and every penny counts.