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Here they come.

We expect a flurry of anti-rights bills in February, and while we don’t have details on all of them, we’ll share what we know so you can prepare.

We have been informed that there will be a number of  Republican “pro-gun” bills as well. These will be fluff and window dressing designed to deflect attention from the Republican cowards who stood by and allowed more of your rights to be stripped away last session. They will not pass unless they are “gut and stuffed” and turned into anti-gun bills by the Democrats.

James Manning

Senator James Manning, who continues to claim to have been both a police officer and a “firearms instructor” has, once again, introduced a bill to address both undetectable 3D printed firearms and untraceable “ghost guns,” continuing Oregon’s longstanding commitment to responsible gun ownership. This bill will ban undetectable firearms and untraceable/unserialized firearms.”

The purpose of this bill is to turn anyone who has lawfully built a firearm themselves, for their own use, into a felon.

We need not tell you how ludicrous this moronic proposal is. Whether Manning and his Marxist fellow travelers like it or not, there is no going back. The technology and the files for making firearms at home are not going away.  He is not putting the genie back in the bottle. What he and the rest of the leftists in charge are doing is taking one more step to divide Oregonians.  That’s always been the plan. And it never ends well.

Expect the bill to be substantially the same as his last go round.

If you own a home made firearm, or if you planned to build one, or if you are a dealer who sells unfinished receivers, be forewarned.  Felony charges await.

Please keep in mind the Democrats have the votes to pass ANYTHING they want.

In 2021, they rolled over the Republicans who had the power to stop all this insanity but refused to step up in exchange for payoffs in Federal money.

This session, the Republicans, once again have the power to protect our rights. If they just have the courage to stand up and use it.

If you live in a district with Republican legislators, please contact them and remind them that after the coming sessions come elections. If they don’t fight back this time there will be no reason to vote for them again. We lose nothing by losing representatives who stand by while our freedoms are stripped away.

If you don’t know who your Oregon House Rep and Senator are, you can find out here.

Take action now while there is still something to lose. Thanks for your activism.