As we told you, HB 4005, mandatory gun lock ups, is now scheduled for Feb 7th at 1pm in Hearing Room E at the State Capitol by the House Judiciary Committee.
Bloomberg will once again be busing in his stooges to promote this attack on your rights.
Showing up at the hearing to let the legislature know where we stand is critical.
As we have pointed out, this bill not only forces you to lock up your self defense firearms, it punishes you even if you DO lock up firearms. While it penalizes gun owners if their firearms are stolen, it does nothing to penalize gun thieves.
The bill will devastate youth shooting programs and prevent young Oregonians from having access to firearms for defense of their families.
Please use this form to contact the Oregon House members and demand that they vote this bill down in committee. You may alter the subject line and add your own message if you choose. (Not required.)
You can email testimony against this bill to the House Judiciary Committee here: hjud.exhibits@oregonlegislature.gov
(Note. It may take a few seconds for your message to be submitted.)