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ANTIFA Bake Sales And Fascists Everywhere.


Yesterday we told you about hearings scheduled for the Joint Committee on Transparent Policing and Use of Force Reform.”

We were openly skeptical that this committee would be addressing “police reforms” in anything resembling an unbiased fashion.

If anything, that prediction grossly underestimated how extreme the bias would be.

It’s difficult to describe the hearing without sounding like we’re exaggerating so we suggest you consider listening to it yourself.

But if you don’t have the time (or the stomach) for it, here are the highlights.

Dr. Alisha R. Moreland-Capuia, M.D., (Executive Director, Avel Gordly Center for Healing; Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Oregon Health & Science University) explained that we need a “cultural shift” and “ongoing training” and then, after expressing astonishment that her time was up, asked for more time and then said the committee “wasn’t going to get everything for free” and suggested people buy her book for more answers.

Michael German (Fellow, Liberty & National Security, Brennan Center for Justice) said Since 2000, law enforcement officials with alleged connections to white supremacy or other far-right militant activities have been exposed…”

Now “allegations” by unnamed accusers are as good as convictions.

His testimony also included this: “It is important to acknowledge that our nation was founded on white supremacy. It was the driving ideology that motivated European colonization of North America, the subjugation of Native Americans, and the enslavement of kidnapped Africans.”

No mention was made of Native American’s enslavement of kidnapped Africans.

You can see more of German’s testimony here.

But for sheer gut wrenching inanity little could compare with the bizarre testimony of Dr. Stanislav Vyostsky, (Associate Professor of Sociology and Criminology, University of Wisconsin -Whitewater)

You can see it here and here.

Vyostsky may as well be the propaganda arm of ANTIFA, which he describes this way: “I describe antifa as a decentralized collection of individual activists who mostly use nonviolent methods to achieve their ends.”

He also says:

Antifascists organize social events such as movie screenings, concerts, and even art shows in order to network, spread their message, or fundraise.”

We’re wondering when the first bake sale will be.

According to Vyostsky, ANTIFA is a well intentioned group formed only to stop the spread of fascism, which is everywhere.

Their “confrontational” tactics are only in response to the dangerous and widespread violence of “fascists” who are “driven by an ideology that ascribes innate biological and social differences between people and enforces them through violence.”

To be clear,  Vyostsky is ascribing the violence to “fascists” not the mobs who are nightly destroying our cities and shooting motorists who try to pass roads and highways blocked by ANTIFA. Of course, he managed to lump gun owners in with the ubiquitous and growing scourge of “fascists.”

Dr Jules Boykoff (Chair, Politics & Government Department, Pacific University) , described the average protest as “warm, inviting events” , said that vandalism and violence are not the same thing, and noted that the riots we are experiencing are the signs of a healthy democracy.

As you can imagine, no one who thought that burning buildings, destroying statues and shooting motorists was a bad idea was given the opportunity to testify.

The deck was stacked. And this was just the first hearing.

The daily chaos we are experiencing is directly effecting gun owners and people attempting to acquire firearms. In addition to the extensive delays for “background checks” many firearms are now in short supply and we are hearing more and more reports of shortages of ammo.

It is disturbing that the Democrats in our legislature are making every effort to normalize the rioting and looting and ignoring the dangers faced daily by Oregonians, many of whom are having great difficulty acquiring the means to keep themselves and their families safe.