Late yesterday Oregon’s Attorney General sent a request to the Federal Judge in our lawsuit against the implementation of Ballot Measure 114.
In her letter she asked the judge to delay the permit portion of the measure for a short time.
While this was a tacit admission that her chief lawyer (who assured the Judge on Friday that the permit system would be operational by Dec 8th) was, at very best, transparently and comically deceitful, it does little to address the problem.
It is becoming abundantly clear to all that Measure 114 is little more than an overturned outhouse dumped in the laps of law enforcement by the bigots at “Lift Every Voice.”
However this request by the criminal protection syndicate that controls Oregon is not even a bandaid on the massive hemorrhaging the state is promoting.
The Attorney General is still demanding that all other elements of this dumpster fire go into effect on the 8th of December
As OFF’s lawyer Leonard Williamson has pointed out:
“The AG is mistaken in that Plaintiffs challenging the magazine ban are not affected by their request to postpone implementation of the permit to purchase system. Presently OSP has 34,790 people waiting on the background check list waiting for a firearm, that they have already paid for, to clear the system. Some % of those sales are firearms that included as part of the sale standard capacity magazines (large capacity) e.g., the Glock 19 comes with three 15 round mags). Meaning if the ban on magazines takes effect on 12/8/22, and the permit system is suspended, the gun shop owners can not allow the customer to leave with their standard capacity magazines i.e., an unlawful government taking of property without due process. Second, what the government is saying is that gun dealers may only sell guns with magazines that only hold ten rounds. That is a very small group of firearms.”
It is absurd to assume gun dealers are going to remove the standard magazines that come with most modern firearms and dispose of them and hand their customers worthless firearms with no magazines.
And as we have repeatedly (and pointlessly) reminded the ventriloquist dummies in the cartel media, even if the court complies with the AG’s request, most shotguns will still be illegal to transfer (or take out of your home assembled if you already own them).
As you know, after the Department of Justice’s lead lawyer, Brian Marshall, insisted that a process would be in place to issue permits, the people who are tasked with actually doing it publicly announced that his announcement was purely fiction.
The Oregon Sheriff’s Association has made it clear that it is simply impossible to provide the mandated training which is required before a person may even APPLY for the fairy dust “permit.” Imagine how much worse it will be for small municipal police agencies.
Furthermore, a delay in the implementation of the arcane and onerous permit system does not address the backlog of over 30 thousand Oregonians who are being denied their rights even now.
What the criminal protection syndicate, and the cartel media, refuse to acknowledge is that if people who are waiting for background check approvals have to wait over 30 days ( a very common reality) an approval does not allow them to take possession of their property. They must start the whole process all over again, complete new forms at the gun store and get back in line. This could put people in an endless “Groundhogs Day” nightmare loop. And that does not even consider the fact that many people are actually moving backwards in the line as persons with concealed handgun licenses are put in the queue ahead of them. And since 114 eliminates the rule allowing for transfers after 3 days if the police don’t complete a background check or issue a denial, even that safeguard disappears.
We are eagerly awaiting a decision by the judge, which may come as early as today. But until then we have no illusions that the Attorney General is engaged in anything more than a head fake.
To add to the chaos, the Senate Judiciary Committee has scheduled a hearing on the implementation of 114 for Dec 7 at 8.30 AM. There is no telling what a Democrat controlled legislature will do to make this worse.