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By Kevin Starrett
Executive Director

The 73rd Oregon legislative session is behind us.

In spite of a torrent of anti-gun bills, and a Senate and Governor both opposed to gun rights, not a single piece of anti-gun legislation passed.

Your hard work derailed every attempt to further chisel away our liberties, and I cannot express how thankful I am for all you have done.

Heading into the session we knew we were facing an uphill battle. The Governor has a long history of supporting gun restrictions. The Senate was under the control of some of the most outspoken opponents of gun rights the state has ever known. The Senate Committee that hears most gun bills was chaired by Ginny Burdick who has made attacking gun rights her life’s work.

We faced bills to outlaw most modern firearms. Bills that would require you to keep your self-defense firearm locked up and useless. Bills to ban licensed concealed carry anywhere school children showed up. There were bills to raise fees for background checks by 250% and bills to gut Oregon’s pre-emption law. There was a bill to outlaw many ammunition magazines.

But there were other equally insidious measures in play.

The Port of Portland requested a bill to greatly expand the powers of the Port’s police.

We had alerted the Chair of the House Judiciary Committee that the Port of Portland is currently in violation of the law because of its policy of forbidding persons with concealed handgun licenses from being on airport property.

Although we received assurances that this issue would be addressed should the bill get a hearing, not a word was mentioned when the hearing took place. Similar assurances from one of the sponsors of the bill never materialized when the bill went to “work session.” There, the bill was approved and passed to the House floor. That’s when we went to work.

Copies of documents demonstrating that the Port of Portland was in violation were delivered to every Republican House Representative.””>(All of these documents are available on our website.)

Each was contacted to make sure they had seen the information. As a result of our exposing the illegal actions of the Port, and despite having been sent to the House Floor with a “Do Pass” recommendation, the bill was pulled back into committee and killed.

It was a scene soon to be repeated.

OFF was a party to lengthy negotiations with the Oregon Sheriffs Association. They wanted to make numerous changes to Oregon’s concealed handgun law. But none of the proposed changes benefited gun owners. In fact, they were just a wish list of ways to make CHL’s harder to get, and easier to revoke.

We found ourselves saying “no” over and over. In an effort to win our approval for a new round of attacks on your rights, they offered to include
language we felt very strongly about. A “renew
by mail”
for CHL holders who were active duty military and could not renew in person.

As you know, this was a key issue for us and we had been working hard to get it passed. But your rights are not something that we can negotiate away. We went on record saying the language of their bill was not acceptable, with or without renew by mail.

At this point we were promised by Committee Chair Wayne Krieger, that the bill would not move forward unless we approved and that amendments would be added to address our objections. The very next day, the bill, with no improvements, was voted out of Committee!

That was a Friday morning. By Monday morning, Krieger had hundreds of e-mails on his desk from OFF supporters outraged at what had taken place. Krieger responded that he had been mislead by a committee staffer who told him that we “approved” the bill.

We have no idea how this could have taken place. We had testified that we opposed the bill. Nothing of substance changed between the time we went on record opposing the bill and the following day when the bill passed out of committee. But plenty changed after that.

Because of OFF supporters, Krieger, (once again) pulled the bill off the House floor and back to committee, where, it too, died.

Your efforts also derailed an attempt to raise fees charged for gun purchase background checks. As you know, these checks are not a “service” requested by gun owners. Because of your calls and e-mails, that bill was yanked off the Senate floor and killed.

Without a doubt, the anti-gun bill that got the most attention was Ginny Burdick’s attack on CHL holders. As she does in every session, Burdick pushed legislation to outlaw concealed carry on school property, or anywhere school children gathered.

In an attempt to exclude as many gun owners as possible from attending, the first hearing was held at the Multnomah County Courthouse, where concealed carry is prohibited and parking is nonexistent. Supporters of Burdick’s bill were treated to reserved seating while opponents were left standing in the hall.

But gun owners from all over the state arrived anyway and made their feelings known.

That bill languished, but Burdick came back with another, similar bill.

After a contentious meeting of Senate Democrats, another hearing was held. Once again, articulate gun owners showed up to oppose this mindless assault on freedom and common sense.

In the end, even Senator Floyd Prozanski (an outspoken anti-gunner) voted against the bill and it died in committee. Burdick was predictably apoplectic and defeated once again.

Given the makeup of the Senate, this was a great victory for gun rights activism.

Unfortunately, because of the makeup of the Legislature this session, positive action was almost out of the question.

Most pro gun bills that were introduced in the House, never went anywhere because of the fear that they would be amended into bad bills when they were sent to the Senate.

The exceptions were a bill to protect gun makers and sellers from frivolous lawsuits and a bill to define “loaded”when carrying a firearm on a snowmobile or ATV.

Both passed in the House and died in the Senate.

Pro-gun bills introduced in the Senate were never heard because the Senate was controlled by anti-gun militants. And sadly, some great opportunities were missed because “pro-gun” legislators were simply too timid to force the issue.

For example, a version of our bill to help active duty military personnel was introduced in the Senate. It was assigned to the committee chaired by anti-gun militant Ginny Burdick who refused to hear it. A motion could have been made by any pro-gun Senator requesting that the bill be removed from her committee. Whether the motion passed or failed, we would, at least, have had a recorded vote on the issue. (A valuable tool come election time.)

But despite our requests, not a single Senator would step up and make the motion. After endless rhetoric about helping our men and women who are risking their lives far from home, and though even the anti-gun governor approved, this simple, cost free measure died.

Despite these disappointments, we held our ground because of your willingness to step up and make your voice heard. Never underestimate the power you have as an activist. Your immediate responses not only stopped bills from moving, but actually reversed bills that were already well on their way to passage. This is an impressive feat.

This session reminded us once again about the importance of immediate action in the face of a threat. As you can imagine, our e-mail alerts are the most timely way to get information and act on it. If you don’t get our alerts, please go to our web page and sign up for them. And remember, you can always call us for up to the minute info on what’s happening legislatively.

This state legislative session is over. The action now moves over to Federal legislation.

As you know, the US Senate recently passed a bill to protect gun makers and dealers from baseless lawsuits. However they allowed some dangerous amendments to be included.

One requires the purchase of gun locks with handgun purchases. The other opens the door to a whole host of restrictions on ammo in the future. The bill is now in the hands of the US House.

The NRA announced their intention to get the bill passed through the Senate even if it contained bad amendments. Their stated intention was to “clean up “ the bill when it went to the House.

We felt this was a dangerous policy, but now we have no choice but to deal with the bill and attempt to either fix it or kill it. Both of the included amendments are more dangerous than they appear.

The trigger lock language is an open invitation to prosecute anyone who does not use one, and the ammunition language opens a Pandora’s Box of potential problems down the road.

We will be working with other national and local groups around the US to track the progress of this bill and stop any gun control from being added.

But for right now congratulate yourself on a session ending with no loss of rights. You’ve done fine work.