Far Left Freedom Haters Speak The Truth.
By Accident Of Course.
It was not long after James Manning was appointed to the Senate in 2016 that it became painfully clear that whatever the qualifications for the office were, a stellar intellect was not among them.
In fact, in the years that Oregonians have been subjected to his buffoonish oratories and often incomprehensible floor speeches it has become increasingly undeniable that Manning’s only goals are self aggrandizement and the promotion of racial division.
Once again Manning is promoting a “reparations” bill to force people who never owned slaves to turn over their money to people who never were slaves.
Among the crimes he hopes to extort innocent people for are:
Racial terror;
Political disenfranchisement;
Racism related to the environment and infrastructure;
Control over creative cultural and intellectual life;
And our favorite, “Pathologizing the Black family”
Joining in this exercise in race baiting are Travis Nelson, Lew Fredrick, Shannon Isador and Andrea Valderrama ( ella/she/her ).
Apparently none of these appointed or elected members of the ruling class see the irony in demanding to be paid off for the demeaning hardship of being in charge of the state. Humor has never been a strong point of the left.
But at last, Manning, whose “biography” we have so often been reminded of but have yet to see substantiated, has done us all a favor.
For a long time the extremist anti-gun left (Manning is a proud, if not real bright, charter member) have been making the claim that the Second Amendment, which they all despise, only protects the military.
We’ll put aside for a moment the absurdity of believing that the founders of our country, who just fought and won a war with a far more powerful and better equipped empire, thought it was necessary to put in writing that the army is allowed to have weapons. We will leave the clownish left to wallow in that stupidity.
But this has been their position. For us rational folk, the term “militia” has always been correctly understood to refer to the “people.” Our founders fear of standing armies is not a secret to anyone with the most tenuous grasp on history.
And now, Manning has finally admitted we are right and the shrill collectivists are wrong. Manning has joined fellow Marxists Meek, Woods and of course Prozanski to introduce SB 947.
SB 947 changes references to the “militia” in Oregon law to…”national guard.” Thereby acknowledging what literate people knew all along but could never quite be grasped by the less intellectually gifted who get elected and run things in Oregon.
Oregon law defines the “unorganized militia” as “… all able-bodied residents of the state between the ages of 18 and 45 who are not serving in any force of the organized militia or who are not on the state retired list and who are or who have declared their intention to become citizens of the United States; subject, however, to such exemptions from military duty as are created by the laws of the United States.”
The ‘militia” are the people. And that terrifies the left. And they will do all they can to crush it.
(Manning and his mentally challenged fellow traveler’s bill actually refers to the “unorganized national guard”. Which given the leadership of Oregon might not be that far off.)
Manning and the other petty tyrants wrap themselves in victimhood while feeding at the public trough and making idiotic and vindictive rules for the people who are trapped in the state. And it’s obvious that this bill is one more attempt to remind Oregonians that they are subjects and not citizens. But at least these clowns admit, however inadvertently, what some words really mean.