In the wake of the outpouring of outrage over an attempt to outlaw virtually every modern firearm and feeding device, the sponsor of HB 3200 has switched gears and is beating a retreat on this vicious attack on your rights and your privacy.
House Rep Mitch Greenlick, who has sent out several belligerent emails lately, seems to be seeing the light.
In an article in today’s Oregonian Greenlick backpedals on his support for his own bill. “In its current form, it’s a pretty flawed bill,” said Greenlick, adding that “I don’t think [the bill] is in play.”
According to the story “Greenlick said he would want to greatly amend the bill if it started to move through the process.”
“Greenlick said he also disagrees with a provision that would allow the state police to investigate gun owners who possess one of these weapons to make sure they are safely stored.”
This is in interesting contrast to how the people who asked for the bill see it. Ceasefire Oregon’s website says:
“Is the assault weapons ban dead on arrival in Salem as reported on Feb. 21 in the Oregonian? Not according to Representative Mitch Greenlick and the fifteen co-sponsors who introduced House Bill 3200, our bill to ban assault weapons in Oregon, on Feb. 21. These legislators are taking action because they know that the people they represent want change now and they want a vote…..
p.s. Your action makes a difference. Email or call (503-986-1200) Speaker Kotek today and tell her HB 3200 deserves a hearing and a vote, and let us know when you do. While you’re at it, please thank Representative Greenlick for introducing this bill to ban assault weapons.”
The Oregonian story paints it a bit differently . “At this point, legislators are hearing an outpouring of criticism for HB 3200 from opponents of gun control. Greenlick said he was peppered with as many as 1,000 emails over the weekend criticizing him and the bill.”
In fact, Greenlick has heard from so many opponents of this bill that he has simply stopped answering his phone and claims to have deleted “a thousand” emails.
Ceasefire Oregon may have been a bit hasty thanking Greenlick for introducing their bill when even he now admits it’s “flawed.”
Greenlick’s open animosity for gun owners is no secret. So make no mistake. YOU are responsible for this sudden change of heart. It was your efforts that made Mitch see the light, but this bill is by no means dead and will almost certainly be used to make their other anti-gun bills seem reasonable. This is no time to relax.
The other side is using online petitions and has the full weight of the Obama controlled “Organizing for Action” on their side. They are swamping the Oregon Legislature with anti-gun propaganda. We cannot let up until the last gavel falls. But, all your work is paying off. Thank you for stepping up. It’s working.