With barely an hour’s notice, the Senate Rules Committee passed two gun bills: HB 4045, which had been Kim Thatcher’s CHL privacy bill, and SB 1594, a bill by Peter Courtney and Ginny Burdick to outlaw self-defense firearms on school property. (03.01.12 New
amended bill)
HB 4045 was “gut and stuffed” with language that Floyd Prozanski wrote. None of the original bill was left. Whether the new bill actually extends any protections remains to be seen, but since the bill’s sponsor agreed to the changes, any hope of saving the original, clean, understandable bill was gone. All members of the Rules Committee voted “yes”.
Many of you may have received an email from Floyd Prozanski in which he said “While Kevin Starrett wants to give me all the credit for the amendment, Rep. Thatcher was equally instrumental in getting this compromise moved forward (as noted in the Sheriffs’ letter of support).”
He included a URL for the Sheriff’s letter.
It is correct that the Sheriffs’ lobbyist issued a press release about the bill. However if you read it you will see that they stated “Senator Floyd Prozanski (D- South Lane and North Douglas Counties), the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has been instrumental in drafting minor changes to assist in getting the measure adopted in the Senate.”
I guess the Sheriffs’ lobbyist read different amendments than we did. In fact, the entire original bill was removed. Maybe they consider that a “minor change.” We don’t.
In any event, that bill is off to the full Senate. There will be no opportunity for Senators to vote for the clean bill. It’s unfortunate that they never had the chance.
The committee did not allow the public to testify on the new version of the bill. To no one’s surprise, Ginny Burdick was not even satisfied with the the “gut and stuff” and voted “no.” Diane Rosenbaum voted to move the bill out of committee and reserved the right to oppose it on the floor. That’s what “compromise” gets you.
SB 1594 was the last minute backstab by Peter Courtney at the demand of Ginny Burdick. This bill is essentially the same as her SB 1550 which would make you a criminal if you took responsibility for protecting yourself or others on “school property.” This has been one of the most shameful abuses of the process we have ever seen.
The bill was essentially recreated this morning and heard this afternoon with no opportunity for public input. And make no mistake. That was the point.
The bill was passed out of committee on a party-line vote with Ginny Burdick, Dianne Rosenbaum and Lee Beyer, all Democrats, voting to make schools “criminal-safe” zones and Ted Ferrioli and Jason Atkinson voting “no.” No public testimony was allowed on this bill either. None
The bills now move to the Senate floor where it is unclear when they will be heard. It could be tomorrow or Thursday.
Please contact your State Senator and tell them in no uncertain terms NO on SB 1594. You can use this link even if you do not know who your Senator is.
Short and sweet. “NO ON SB 1594”
Thanks for your activism.