2008 Campaign – Delia Lopez US Congress, Oregon’s Third District.

I’m Delia Lopez and I’m running for Congress I’ve never had any desire to be a congressman. Unfortunately I kept complaining about all the unconstitutional things our government is doing and it became my “put up or shut up” moment. I joked that my husband probably thought I would shut up! He says he knew me better than that. We need to reinstate our constitution and take back our Country! Back from those that are spending our children into slavery, back from those that are trampling our constitution. We must take back our Country, and vote them, out of office.

Our Constitution guarantees us that “the right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed” My dictionary defines infringed as; to break or ignore, disregard or violate. In every state where concealed carry laws have passed the crime rates have plummeted! Criminals prefer unarmed victims! Look at Vermont and New York, they share a long border, Vermont has a right to bear arms in their constitution and no permit is needed, anyone can carry a concealed weapon. The crime rate there is very low. New York has stringent gun control laws and the crime rates there are much higher. Only honest citizens are disarmed by gun control laws. The criminals ignore the laws anyway. California is banning 50 cal weapons, that fact that one has never been used to commit a crime and that sneaking a 4’ long 33 lb. gun in to rob a store, would be difficult at best, seems to be overlooked. Gun control is not about guns, it is about control.

Our Constitution was written very precisely to limit the power of government and protect the rights of the people! The Federal government was to be especially controlled lest it usurp the authority that was to remain in the states, where the people of the state could maintain control. The closer to the source, the government is, the more control the people have of their government. Right now our government is totally out of control.

We the people, must Take Back Our Country!

Delia Lopez
US Congressional Candidate Oregon District 3