Just a few days before the universal gun owner registration bill kicks in, it appears that the Oregon State Police are planning on collecting data on sellers of guns, not just buyers.
We’ve been telling you all along that SB 941 was never intended to be anything but a vast database of gun owners and now it’s being proven to be all too true.
Starting today, gun dealers are seeing a new interface on their computer screens when they log in to conduct a background check on a gun sale. Now there is a box they can check for “Private Party Through Dealer.” While not fully functional, it is clear that the Oregon State Police plan to demand, and database, personal information on the seller, or transferor, of the firearm.

As of today, if a dealer checks the “Private Party Through Dealer” box they cannot actually enter the personal info of the seller, but they do get an error message saying “Alert!!!Please adjust for the following errors and try again” It then lists all the info “not supplied.” This includes the seller’s name, address, city, state and zip and their phone number.

Nowhere in the Prozanski/ Hoyle bill is any of this data mining authorized. But hey, if you are creating a gun owner database you want all gun owners, not just people who are receiving guns.
Are the State Police planning on running background checks on the sellers of guns too? Are they going to send out a trooper if the seller fails a “background check?” What’s next?
This is a very disturbing development and one that proves once again what the true intent of this bill was.
Be warned, every transfer under SB 941 will become a vehicle to harass and intimidate gun owners. It’s only going to get worse from here.
We urge you to call bill sponsor Val Hoyle and demand that she end tracking of gun sellers. Hoyle can be reached in her Salem office at 503-986-1414 and her district office at 541-221-9162.
You can support OFF’s efforts to protect your gun rights here.