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Many of you may have received an email from NRA last week warning  of the possible revival of SB 700.

SB 700 is the expansion on background checks that would require you to ask the police for permission to give a rifle to your nephew.

Since that alert was sent, we have received reliable confirmations from Capitol insiders that this is, in fact, very credible.

We have been told that an effort will be made to amend the bill and rush it to the Senate floor.   We do not know what amendments are being suggested or what has changed that makes Senate President Peter Courtney think the bill now has a chance to pass.  Anything may have happened.

Last session Courtney revived an anti-gun bill that was dead and raced it to the Senate floor with no public hearings. He may well attempt this kind of dirty trick again.

A deal may have been made, a bribe offered, or perhaps Courtney just wants a vote, win or lose, to use against the Republicans.

If this happens of course, we would also have a recorded vote to use against anti-gun Senators, but there is no question that the best outcome would be for that bill, and the other three anti-gun bills that are now in the Senate Rules Committee to simply die.

Anything can happen now and happen fast. And don’t forget, we fully expect Bloomberg to drop in some NYC arm twisters with millions of dollars.

It would be wise to send one more email to your Senator urging him to vote against new gun rights restrictions.

You can use this link to be connected to your Senator:

Or you can use our automailer to reach them all: