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Ballot Title For Measure 43 Released.


Yes, they really are coming for your guns.


The Attorney General has released her proposed ballot title and summary for  IP 43, the state-wide firearms confiscation measure.

You can read her title and summary here.

The short version is this:

DRAFT BALLOT TITLE Criminalizes possession or transfer of “assault weapons” (defined) or “large capacity magazines” (defined), with exceptions

As you can see, the ballot title falls far short of covering all the dangerous and onerous provisions of this measure.

Oregon voters can send comments about this ballot title to the Oregon Secretary of State for the next ten days. Keep in mind, your comments must be on the” ballot title ” not on the absurd language of the ballot itself.

Comments Due
May 8, 2018  

Where to Submit
Scan and Email:

Fax: 503.373.7414
Mail: 255 Capitol St NE Ste 501, Salem OR 97310

One thing the Secretary of State does not make clear, and this is important, is that they want all comments submitted to be “signed.”   So while you can print out your comments, sign them and scan them and send the scanned documents to the Secretary of State via email, a simple email with your comments will not work.

Here is the actual language of the ballot measure.

If you plan on submitting comments or suggested ballot title language,( and you should) please carefully read the measure and then submit your comments based on the obvious shortcomings of the ballot title. You will want to concentrate on why the ballot title language is insufficient, misleading, incorrect or inflammatory. If you provide comments you will have standing to challenge the ballot title language in the Oregon Supreme Court.

Clearly the simple use of the meaningless term “assault weapon” is misleading and inflammatory. The title also makes no mention of the fact that magazines will have to be “registered” something that is essentially not possible.

Suggested ballot titles may not exceed 15 words. (Yes, we know that’s absurd.)

As you know, this measure is intended to do nothing less than make felons out of many thousands of Oregonians while making no one safer.  We strongly encourage you to be involved and send you comments to the Secretary of State.