2012 Oregon Candidate Ratings

For OFF’s ratings of candidates running for Oregon House and Senate seats, please click here.

You’ll see that we have noted which candidates are incumbents. Incumbents are rated on their past votes and the answers to our survey if they answered it. Other factors such as their overall philosophy and willingness to work with gun owners to improve legislation is also considered.Note that all candidates marked “A-” are incumbents. In almost all cases, these candidates would have been rated “A” had they completed our survey.

If you do not know which district you are in, please use this link to find out.Your State Senator and House Rep, along with their district numbers will be the last two people listed. Please note that while all House seats are up for re-election, not all Senate seats are. If your Senate district is not listed, your State Senator is not up for re-election.

In almost all cases the highest grade given to an non-incumbent is “B+” and this grade was derived from their answers to our survey. Non-incumbents who did not answer the survey were rated “NR” for “no response.”  If they are running in your district, you should contact them and request that they answer the survey, a copy of which can be downloaded here.

OFF will update ratings for those who agree to provide a completed survey. Candidates can email or fax completed surveys.


OFF does not normally rate Judges because of the difficulty of establishing important information about them. But we are going to make an exception in the case of Clackamas County Circuit Court Judge Susie Norby. (503 650-8902) She is currently seeking re-election to Position 11 in that court. Unfortunately, as is so often the case in Oregon’s twisted judicial race system, she is running unopposed. Norby gets an F- from OFF for being openly biased and astonishingly ignorant. We suggest Clackamas County voters write in anyone if only to send a message to Norby. For more on this moron, see here.