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We Are Running Out Of Time


Oregon gun owners are running out of time and options.  We are not going to sugar coat things. The Oregon Democrats plan to use their supermajority to ram through extreme, dangerous, and vindictive restrictions on your right to self defense. And their plans are moving forward very quickly.

There will be no negotiating. There will be no reasoning with the party in power.  They have made it clear that the facts don’t matter. They want to disarm you and and no amount of thoughtful persuasion is going to change anything. It is just that simple.

So, while in normal times we might suggest you contact the sponsors of these dangerous attacks on your rights and safety, we can say with some confidence that it really would not matter.

That means there is one option. The Republican members of the legislature, which you helped elect with your generous PAC donations, MUST walk out.

We can assure you that we have explored every possible option and discussed this with Oregon’s most pro-gun legislators. If there is some other magic bullet, no one’s brought it up. The Democrats have the power, they have the votes and they are angry and vindictive.

Last session bad legislation was stalled by a walkout by the Senate and House Republicans.  That time they left over a ruinous “cap and trade” bill, mandatory vaccinations and terrible gun bills.

As of right now, the “cap and trade” issue seems to be mostly dormant.  Both Republicans and Democrats are signaling that this year’s mandatory vaccination bill is not moving. (Although NOTHING is certain until the last gavel falls.)

That means that gun owners may very well be the main target of the Oregon’s furious Democrats.  Will Oregon’s Republicans stand up for us as we have for them?

We can’t tell you that the signs are good. Oregon Republicans have been supporting some very bad left wing legislation. It’s anyone’s guess why.

Quite frankly, we see no hope at all if the Republicans stay behind.  If they insist on participating in a game they are guaranteed to lose,  gun rights in Oregon will be a thing of the past. You will be largely prevented from buying guns, you will forbidden from having them with you to protect your family, and what you are still allowed to keep will have to be locked up lest you be jailed for their misuse by others.

This is no longer politics as usual. This is not a disagreement on policy. This is the left’s effort to completely undermine the Second Amendment at the same time they are encouraging the kind of violence and lawlessness that has gripped our state for the last year. As Oregon grows more dangerous, the Oregon Democrats are determined to make you defenseless.

The Oregon Republicans CAN stop this, if they have the will.

As we already told you, a bill to allow the Oregon State Police to deny a firearms transfer forever is scheduled for a hearing on Thursday. (House Bill 2543)

Now we’ve been informed that SB 554 will be heard on Monday, Feb 22. As of the time this alert was sent out, that hearing had not been officially scheduled so it could change, but as of now that is reliable information .

SB 554 will virtually eliminate Oregon’s preemption law and create a minefield of “no-go” zones for gun owners.  The bill allows any loosely defined “public building” to declare itself and nearby property off limits to concealed handgun license holders while in possession of a firearm. Accidentally straying onto one of these properties is a felony.

Airports would now be off limits to CHL holders, and not just inside the terminals. If you drove to an airport to pick up or drop off a friend or family member you would be guilty of a felony if you never got out of your car! The bill would also double the fees for CHL’s which would become mostly useless if this bill passes.

And that’s not all.  We have been informed that in March, the Oregon House plans to hear and pass a bill to require that any firearm you own be kept locked up and useless. That bill, HB 2510, would hold gun owners strictly liable for crimes committed by others who stole their guns. As usual, nothing in this bill addresses the people who steal and misuse guns, only the people whose guns are stolen.

To submit testimony or sign up to testify in person on HB 2543, please see this link.

You can also use the link below to contact the Republican members of the House Judiciary Committee and express your opposition to HB 2543:(the endless delay bill)

But right now we need to do all we can to stop all these dangerous attacks.

Please contact Senate Republican Leader Fred Girod and House Republican Leader Christine Drazan and urge them to do all they can to convince their members to stand up and walk away from this madness.

You can use the link below to contact them.

Free Roots is an activist tool that directs your message to people who can make a difference. Free Roots does require registration, but this is only to prevent abuse of the service. Your information is private and will not be used for any purpose by anyone.

If you prefer to contact Girod and Drazan directly, their contact information follows:

Representative Christine Drazan

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1439
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, H-395, Salem, Oregon 97301

Senator Fred Girod

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1709 
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, S-323, Salem, Oregon 97301


With Biden in the White House and Democrats in control in Oregon, we are at a crossroads. Please act.