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Oregon’s Deadly Competition


Oregon’s House and Senate are in a pitched battle to see which chamber can create the most onerous and unconstitutional attacks on Oregon’s gun owners.

It’s a dead heat.

As you know, SB 348  is moving through the Senate.  This is the fever dream of Floyd Prozanski.

He promised a bill to implement Measure 114, but we assumed, that because it appeared to be written by baboons, he would attempt to correct its many mistakes. After all, the measure barely squeaked by and many people who voted for it regretted it when they found out what was actually in it.

But, Floyd did what few thought was possible, and made it much, much, worse.  And we believe he’s not done yet.

Over on the House side, Jason Kropf hobbled together three vicious attacks on the law abiding (House Bills 2005, 2006 and 2007) into one Frankenstein’s monster of unconstitutional crap HB 2005-1.

You’ve seen it all before, but Kropf did throw in one new element. Under the new language, while you will still be a criminal for driving too close to a  “public building” if you are an armed CHL holder, now this genius has added this language:

(8) Nothing in this section prohibits the storage of a firearm in a locked vehicle in a parking lot or parking facility that constitutes or is part of a public building so long as the firearm is unloaded and locked in the trunk of the vehicle or in a locked container and any ammunition is not stored in the same trunk or container as the firearm.

So, should you ever find yourself in downtown Portland and need to park near a prohibited public building, pull over, take out your self defense firearm, unload it, place the ammo… somewhere, and lock that gun in your trunk. If you have one.

Pay no attention to the thugs and junkies who will witness this display.  And make sure you do it before you enter the parking lot, because while your gun can be locked up in the parking lot, it’s still a crime to have it loaded when you get there.  Makes sense to us.

And of course, you will still be a criminal if you pick up or drop off a friend or family member at the airport.

Today, the House Judiciary Committee heard HB 3513. While we told you about this bill in a previous alert, we have had to update that alert because it’s way worse than we first described.

Not only will this bill disqualify countless classes that would have once been approved for CHL training, it will create a nightmare scenario of written agreements to allow someone else to hold onto your firearms by you tacitly admitting you are suicidal. 

Which of course immediately opens you up to be a victim of an “extreme risk protection order”. Something House Rep Lisa Reynolds seemed thrilled about.

We have no doubts that many of the people who support and testified in favor of this bill have the best intentions and truly want to prevent suicides.  But even they testified that the time between when a person decides to kill themselves and when they do it is as little as ten minutes, which hardly seems like enough time to draft an agreement, find a co-signer, and transfer your firearms.

And while some of the people who testified in favor discussed the possibility of using this process to store guns for more benign reasons, we know that anyone who does runs a big risk of being branded dangerous.

We’ll keep you informed as these bills move forward.