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Let’s NOT Make A Deal


As you know, and as we have repeatedly reported, the Republican Senator’s denial of quorum has been completely effective at slamming the brakes on the Democrat’s extreme agenda.

(Only Senators Dick Anderson and David Brock Smith have been showing up every day to Senate floor sessions.)

So, in spite of being in the minority, the Republicans have been essentially controlling the agenda and protecting the people who elected them from the worst of the Democrat’s bills, stalling some very dangerous gun restrictions.

But now the left is buzzing with talk of a “deal” to bring the Republicans back in exchange for the Republicans folding on personally made firearms, what the left calls “ghost guns.”

Cartel media reports have already discussed some kind of trade off.

If the Republicans accept this deal they will be effectively banning all AR style firearms and countless other guns because the “ghost gun” language is crafted so badly that they are banning the parts that are not, and have never been, regulated. Basically they would be outlawing AR firearm’s UPPER receivers which were never required to have serial numbers, while ironically ignoring the parts they think they are banning.

If Knopp and the Republican Senators fall for this deal they will have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory to placate the left wing media and once again stuck it to gun owners.

Please contact Senate Minority leader Tim Knopp and remind him that gun owners have stood behind the Senate walk out and not to sell us out now when we could win it all.

Senator Tim Knopp

Capitol Phone: (503) 986-1727