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SB 554B now combines the Senate’s restrictions on where you can protect yourself and your family with the House rules forcing you to keep your guns locked up and useless.

It also  holds you responsible for crimes committed by others.

Today it is scheduled for a “second reading” on the House Floor.

Second readings are procedure.  Bills are typically voted on the day after the second reading. So, unless there is another delay like the ones we have seen recently, the House will vote on SB 554B tomorrow.

As you know, the House Republicans have abandoned the delaying tactic of requiring that all bills be read in their entirety.  In exchange for this they each were offered 2 million dollars to spend in their districts anyway they wanted to.

If, as expected, the bill passes the House it will go back to the Senate for approval of the changes made in the House Committee.

While anything can happen, and the House Republicans still have the power to kill this bill, if the bill is voted on on the House Floor it will pass.  There is still time to contact House Republican Leader Christine Drazan and request that she do what she was elected to do which is to protect the rights of Oregonians, not make deals for cash.

Representative Christine Drazan

Republican – District 39 – Canby

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1439