Oregon House Now Moving Bill To Make Gun Owners Felons.
Earlier today we told you that HB 2510 had been held over until next Monday.
The Oregon House has just announced that on Wednesday it will be holding a public hearing on SB 554.
The hearing will be in the House Rules Committee. That committee is run by anti-rights extremist Barbara Smith Warner.
554 will make Concealed Handgun License holders FELONS if they stray too close to any public building that has been declared off limits by whoever controls that building.
The bill also doubles the cost of a concealed handgun license.
This link: https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2021R1/Committees/HRULES/2021-04-21-13-00/Agenda will provide info on viewing the hearing , submitting testimony, and “attempting” to testify “live remotely.” Note, these links often fail. If that link is broken try this link: https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2021R1/Testimony/HRULES?meetingDate=2021-04-21-13-00
We have no control over the legislative website but that link should at least allow you to upload written testimony.
While we encourage the submission of testimony and making an attempt to testify to the committee itself, history has shown that these remote hearings are typically train wrecks where pro-gun testimony is often shut out.
(See also this video. https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/citizen_engagement/Pages/How-to-Testify.aspx )
We encourage you to continue to contact the House Republican Leader who is also on the committee that will be hearing this bill.
Remember, if the Democrats are determined to pass this bill as a goodbye present to Ginny Burdick, they have the votes. The Republicans can only stop them by refusing to cooperate.
House Republican Leader Christine Drazan
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1400
Email the House Republican Leader: rep.christinedrazan@oregonlegislature.gov