The opening days of the legislative session start on Monday. We cannot sugarcoat it. This is going to be ugly.
If we have learned anything from the LA fires it’s that if you are relying on the state to protect you, you will wind up disappointed at best… but you could wind up dead. The fires in LA are not just a perfect storm of wind and fire, they are a perfect storm of greed and corruption.
Not only do LA residents have to deal with the loss of their homes, but having been disarmed by the state, they also have to deal with looters while defenseless. Make no mistake, that is exactly what the Legislature has in mind for you.
Like a psychotic but oversized 8 year old, the Democrats in the legislature are obsessed with stealing or breaking anything they can get their hands on. Their policies are designed to destroy what’s left of the state while forcing you to pay for the destruction even as they spew incoherent nonsense about making Oregon more affordable. And rest assured, what’s left of your gun rights are top of the list for them to eliminate.
We are not exaggerating. The first of what will be many more gun restrictions have already been introduced.
Gun bans for 18-20 year olds.
Bans on specialty triggers.
Bans on concealed carry in all public buildings and property around them.
Waiting periods, new red tape for background checks, and of course, legislative implementation of Mz 114 which is still in court. But believe it or not, they made it worse. More than doubling the fees and doubling the time to issue “permits”. But don’t think we can just take this one to court. The bill also requires that any legal action take place in the courts least likely to side with gun owners. The deck is stacked and the dice are loaded. The Democrats have the majority and, infuriated by the election of Trump, are determined to crush gun rights in Oregon.
You can see the long list of anti-rights bills already on the agenda on the legislative website.
In the upper right corner click on “Bills” and type “Firearms” into the search box. Click the box that says “Full Text” for a drop down menu of what’s coming so far. And that’s not even all of them.
There are a few bills to benefit gun owners, but there is zero chance of them moving in a legislature controlled by rabid and mindless leftists like Prozanski, Manning, Evans and Grayber.
They have declared war on us and frankly we’re outnumbered.
There is NO chance of negotiating with the Democrats and, as the Republicans SHOULD have learned, you cannot bargain with them in good faith. Tina Kotek demonstrated that in her now infamous “deal” with Christine Drazan. But now, proving the Republicans have learned nothing, Drazan is back as House Republican Leader. You will recall that when she held that job before, she gave away the store to the Democrats while voting for almost all of their worst bills. This is the “leader” the Republicans in the House chose, a “leader” whose main claim to fame was putting tampons in the bathrooms of kindergarten boys and then lying about it.
But it makes little sense to criticize the Democrats for attacking us. It’s like criticizing a hyena for wallowing in the blood of a kill. It’s just what they do. But once again we are faced with Republicans who have the power to stop all this insanity but show no signs of the will. The reality is the Republicans can still shut down the legislature if only they care more about Oregonians than they do about themselves.
The last few years have been one court battle after another, and while nothing is resolved, the legal bills are staggering. Almost everything the legislature has in mind is unconstitutional. But those battles could take years with no guarantee of victory. While there have been many courtroom wins these last few years, immediate appeals and delays means little has changed.
We cannot rely on the courts to protect us from this latest round of attacks.
There is one line of defense this session. Republicans who are willing to stand up. The past does not give us a lot of reason to be hopeful. But we simply must demand that they do not roll over or try to con us with phony photo-ops and theater. This is going to be a rough session. So dig in.
We will be working every day to keep you informed of what is moving and who needs to hear from you. But you can receive updates on any legislation that concerns you directly from the legislature via email.
You can use this link to subscribe to legislative updates.
There you can sign on for updates from any legislator you chose, get updates on any committee you want to follow and news of any bills you want to track, and because of legislative deadlines you will not be subjected to the daily requests for money from Republican legislators who were still asking for donations long after the elections were over.
If you want to get even more involved in changing the direction of Oregon, consider joining with our friends at the Oregon Citizens Lobby. See this link for more info: