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Play By The Rules, Go To Prison



Oregon’s far left legislature is now in full swing, as are their efforts to crush what’s left of the state.

Now that the White House is no longer under the control of psychopaths, Oregon’s Democrats are in full panic mode and you can rest assured they will be behaving like cornered, rabid, raccoons.

The Democrats have a long list of plans to destroy anything that does not fit into their vision of a compliant, urban, gulag. And while anyone who lives or works in rural Oregon has a large target on their backs, we’ll concentrate on gun owners.

If you’re paying attention to current legislation you know the Democrats are planning to use their majority to further erode, if not eliminate, firearm’s sales and ownership in Oregon. Some of the bills they will be using seem innocuous enough, calling for different “studies” from various state agencies.  These bills are “placeholders” which will be “gut and stuffed” later with anti-gun language.

One bill that caught our attention might seem to be of little interest to non criminal Oregon gun owners. HB 3443.

The bill “Provides that each firearm possessed by a person committing the crime of felon in possession of a firearm constitutes a separately punishable offense.”

At first glance you may wonder why that should concern you. Here’s why:

For some time now the Oregon State Police have been enforcing a policy that is almost certainly illegal.  They have been refusing to recognize court ordered right’s restorations for people whose convictions have been expunged, set aside, or otherwise rendered removed by the courts. 

For years it has been understood that these various court orders restored a person’s rights to purchase and own firearms and they were free to lawfully claim they were not convicted felons. And for years, the State Police, obeying the obvious intentions of these right’s restoration processes, approved firearm’s purchases for those people.

Then one day, with no warning or explanation, the OSP Firearms Instant Check Unit invented a new interpretation of the law and claimed that people with these right’s restorations were, in fact, convicted felons and could not purchase firearms.

We have received conflicting opinions about how this would affect persons whose firearm’s purchases had been approved in the past, but we think it’s safe to say that in a state controlled by radical leftists and little opposition from the right, those people are in serious danger.

We hear from people regularly who are victims of this policy. When trying to get an explanation from the OSP they get silence, run arounds, or claims of ignorance.  But now it’s quite clear that the ruling party will attempt to replicate the vicious attacks of the Biden Justice Department on anyone they can. And almost certainly that means people who were approved for firearm’s purchases and ownership are now the targets of Kotek and her weaponized State Police.

We are quite confident that the OSP is operating outside the law. In fact, given that the records of many of these restorations are supposed to be “sealed” it’s deeply concerning that the civilian OSP Firearms Instant Check system employees even have access to them. What else do they have access to that they shouldn’t? Under the current highly unethical regime there is no way of knowing.

You should also know that the OSP has long list of changes they want to make in the law so they can delay or deny more firearms’s transfers. One of them is to make their almost certainly unlawful policy on right’s restoration denial legal.  Basically they want to rewrite the law as it has been written and understood for a long time, to mean that a court ordered removal of a felony conviction means nothing.  That people who dutifully went through a well known and well used process to regain their rights and status as law abiding Oregonians will find their good faith efforts to be meaningless. That people who played by the rules now face prison time.

Let’s not forget that these are the same people who want to legalize theft. It’s insidious, it’s disgraceful, and it’s coming.

There are other dangerous and misleading bills in the works, mostly the product of the usual leftist Kotek stooges, like Manning , Meek, and Prozanzki. 

If you are not a gun owner, these freedom destroying tyrants have plans for you too.  There will be no negotiating with them. There will be no bargaining in good faith.  Kotek proved that when House Leader Drazan foolishly made a “deal” with her.

The only possible response is unapologetic, unrelenting resistance.  The minority party has the means. The question is, when will they stop bleating about “bipartisanship” and “working across the aisle” and start working for you?

The game is on like never before.  The blitzkrieg of actions by the Trump administration have the ruling junta in total freak out mode.  The Republicans could be using the left’s disorder to their advantage.  (The Senate Republican Leader, Dan Bonham, has already lost his right to run again. He has nothing to lose by standing up.)

Oregon gun owners who have played by the rules have been screwed over and over and over. It’s time to demand that “our” people take a stand and stop acting like this is a softball game where the losers meet the winners for a beer after their defeat.

Our only resource to stay in this fight is you. The costs of taking on the state increase endlessly. We would be grateful for any financial support you can provide.  The people who are attacking your rights get paid by you whether you like it or not. We can only ask. Please consider donating to our efforts here: