The following are gun bills released so far. Bills with an “X” before them are anti-gun bills. Those with a “+” before them are pro-gun bills, and those with nothing before them are either neutral or simply make no sense.
(Please note, to view the following bills and their history, please use this link.)
X SB 346 Creates crime of unlawfully transferring large capacity magazine. Punishes by maximum of one year’s imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both
X SB 347 Modifies crime applicable to possession of firearm, or instrument used as dangerous weapon, while in or on school grounds. Requires entity controlling school grounds to adopt written policy before concealed handgun licensees may assert affirmative defense to crime.
Adopted amendments to SB 347.
+SB 542 Removes Department of State Police as designated state point of contact for purposes of National Instant Criminal Background Check System. Requires gun dealer to obtain authorization to transfer firearm directly from system.
+SB 647 Removes Department of State Police as designated state point of contact for purposes of National Instant Criminal Background Check System. Requires gun dealer to obtain authorization to transfer firearm directly from system.
+SB 696 Modifies exemption from execution applicable to certain firearms.
X SB 699Bans licensed carry in the Capitol.(Burdick’s Revenge)
Adopted amendments to SB 699.
X SB 700 “Universal” Background Checks
Adopted amendments to SB 700.
+SB 713 Permits firearms training facilities in exclusive farm use zones.
X SB 758 Requires person that owns firearm to obtain and maintain in effect liability insurance policy that covers firearm and complies with provisions specifying coverage and other requirements for li- ability insurance policy. (AND LOTS MORE…)
X SB 760 For purposes of invoking justification for use of physical force, requires person who uses physical force in self-defense to make good faith effort to retreat.
X SB 796 Requires person applying for concealed handgun license to pass firing range test. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
Adopted amendments to SB 796.
+ HB 2365.Authorizes county sheriff to waive residency requirement for concealed handgun license if applicant resides in another state. (Allows residents of any state to apply for a CHL in Oregon)
+HB 2366 Removes Department of State Police as designated state point of contact for purposes of National Criminal Background Check System
+ HB 2367 Provides nonresidents who are authorized to carry concealed handgun in another state with protections provided to persons with Oregon concealed handgun license
+ HB 2368 Modifies circumstances under which public body may disclose concealed handgun license information.
+ HB 2369.Provides honorably retired law enforcement officers with protections provided to Oregon concealed handgun license holders
+ HB 2376 Modifies authority of county sheriff related to issuance and revocation of concealed handgun license.
+ HB 2377 Authorizes issuance of concealed handgun license to person convicted or diverted for certain marijuana offenses in another jurisdiction, if conviction or diversion is equivalent to conviction or diversion that does not operate as bar to obtaining license under Oregon law.
Expands class of marijuana convictions that do not operate as bar to obtaining concealed handgun license to include misdemeanor conviction for possession of marijuana that was committed before possession of less than one ounce was made punishable solely by fine under Oregon law.
HB 2588 Directs Department of State Police to identify states that recognize Oregon concealed handgun licenses and that impose eligibility requirements for issuing concealed handgun licenses that are substantially similar to Oregon requirements.
Provides nonresidents who are licensed to carry concealed handgun in state identified by De- partment of State Police with defenses provided to persons with Oregon concealed handgun license. Prohibits arrest of nonresidents who possess valid concealed handgun license issued in state whose license is verifiable through use of national law enforcement data system.
Prohibits issuance of Oregon concealed handgun license to person convicted of, or found guilty except for insanity of, misdemeanor involving violence.
HB 2589 Eliminates requirement that concealed handgun licensee be resident of county in which license is issued.
Modifies fees related to issuance of concealed handgun license.
+ HB 2605 Modifies certain law enforcement defenses applicable to certain firearms-related crimes
+HB 2843 Allows off-duty law enforcement officers to possess firearms in public buildings.
+HB 2910 Allows corrections officer employed by Department of Corrections to lawfully possess weapon in locked box in officer’s personal vehicle parked in department parking lot while officer is present at department in official capacity.